Sharing warrior's pain for those who failed and congratulating friends (Flashback, Jaywill, Shoot85, Gurifissu et al.)

pakwarrior, although the lucky traitors leave you :wink:, people from L2 forum are in your side. We are your new friends, and with us, you will become stronger. :slightly_smiling_face:


GO Warrior GO !!

pakwarrior sorry to hear you did not pass my friend…as I suspected I did not make it through but given the late start and time I wasted on reading material vs practicing exams I was not super shocked, still hurt though specially because as you know I procrastinated for 7 years between first attempt and second attempt at LVL3. That being said I wanted to give you a big prop because you really gave it all from March to June! to do 370 hrs in that time frame is quite impressive specially when you have work and family. And offcourse writing the exam on empty stomach and not eating or drinking anything as you were fasting makes it that much tougher so What I say is well done and you will pass next year as will I. I know with a bit more time and practice exams we both will pass with flying colors. I look froward to seeing your posts once we get our studying under way as I found your contributions very helpful. Enjoy your summer and remember everyone’s journey with CFA exam is different. Victory will taste sweeter because of your journey being longer… trust me.

Yo PAC I ain’t mad at ya

u still got me here pak haha. cfai material this year all the way baby! doing it right!

JETTY…I am sure you will give it your all this time…and if you do so, there can be only ONE result!

Great post and good luck. You are a warrior. Would’ve been a great finish but that’s a tough run…

Balance. Enjoy life and kill it.

Somewhere in a post right after the exam, I said I thought I had an 85 or 90 % chance of passing. A couple of days ago, I saw a poster on here who had just gotten the failure email. He had been sure he passed, and had never failed any test in his life. He was crushed. I can’t really tell how much margin I had for error, but many of the AM questions were around 6% of total exam points. Tons of people pass by 6% or less. One bad misread or leaving a question blank would do them in.

So many of us could have switched places on a different exam on a different day.

I am sorry that you did not manage to pass this year, but very much hope that the new crop (myself included) will be able to motivate you

for next year! You seem determined and strong enough to handle this failure and therefore I am convinced you will come back much stronger next year. You will have one big advantage over all of us: you already know what level III really is like!

Thank you for sharing your experience so openly with us; your story will definitely help my preparation!

The key for you I think is to continue working hard and put the failure behind you. If you approach the exam again with the same mindset you can do anything, but fail.