so what was your pick?

Were we supposed to mark on the answer sheet what number exam we had? I totally dont recall doing that…

Before the exams, I notice the mocks were A bias, so I told myself any guess wil be A.

I didn’t remember to do that until now…

What answer sheet? Level 3 you are supposed to circle answer in question booklet.

Not circle, but a tick in the booklet.

I totally don’t recall either marking, circling or ticking off what number exam I had. Is it possible for CFAI to mark a 7171 exam if you wrote a 8181??


me as well

C, cause it’s the first letter of my name. Only had to use it once. It’s was a purely computational question that I tried every which way, including testing the answers on some formula I made up to try to get an idea about the correct answer. I tried a bunch of crap on this problem, but I wasn’t even able to eliminate one answer or deduce whether a higher or lower number would make more sense… I was so frustrated.

Besides that one problem, on other questions that were not automatic, I was at least able to eliminate one, and then have a good hunch/intuition/reasons to choose one of the remaining answers.