Star Wars - The Last Jedi (spoilers ahead)

I watched it again a couple days ago, and here are the new takeaways from it:

In once of the Ren/Rey scenes, he tries to “invade her brain” across space, but he stops, and says that do try to project his power would kill him. So there is “precedent” for a Force-projection to be incredibly hard on the body/mind. So I don’t have a problem with Luke dying because of it.

I also don’t have a problem with the bodyguard scene. It doesn’t bother me that they are far away, because I assume that they’re really there for window-dressing. Plus, anybody who’s gotten so far as Snoke’s Throne Room has already gone through some pretty tough security. Plus, Snoke is the most powerful being in the known universe, so it’s reasonable to think that nobody can harm him. Plus, Kylo Ren is Snoke’s right-hand man, so there’s no reason to think that Snoke is in any danger. Point being–I don’t care if the bodyguards are twenty yards away.

It also doesn’t bother me that Snoke died. Think about it from Disney’s point of view–now they can devote a whole new trilogy to “The Rise of Snoke”. Ditto for Captain Phasma.

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A few things still do (or begin to) bother me:

  1. So the bad guys can track through light speed now. But there’s no real explanation for how or why. It’s just “Oh. they can track us now. Oh well.”

  2. If this is the first time that they have ever tracked through light speed, how do Finn and Rose know so much about it?

  3. So they only track from one ship? Sounds like a serious lack of planning, especially since the Empire/First Order has virtually unlimited resources.

  4. I guess flying a fighter speeder/X-Wing is as normal as riding a bike, because everybody in the Star Wars Universe can fly one. Stormtroopers, janitors, farmers, etc.

  5. So the First Order can track the Resistance fleet through light speed, but they can’t track the tiny transports that are literally within sight?

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Last, but certainly not least, the Leia/Mary Poppins “swimming through space” was the dumbest thing I have ever seen in a Star Wars Movie (other than the Holiday Special). It was stupid the first time I watched it. It is still stupid.

^A few things to add/disagree with.

  • Force-projection to be incredibly hard on the body/mind. So I don’t have a problem with Luke dying because of it. -But he didn’t die from over exertion. He gave himself to the Force just like Obi Wan and Yoda. Neither of them died from a light saber or natural causes, respectively.
  • Plus, Kylo Ren is Snoke’s right-hand man, so there’s no reason to think that Snoke is in any danger. - There are always only two Sith Lords. The only way the pupil ever advances is by killing the Master. So…Snoke should always keep his head on a swivel.
  • So they only track from one ship? Sounds like a serious lack of planning, especially since the Empire/First Order has virtually unlimited resources. - Even worse planning on the part of the resistance. They can only track one ship at a time. Why not just simply split up?
  • Last, but certainly not least, the Leia/Mary Poppins “swimming through space” was the dumbest thing I have ever seen - Not my favorite part either, but it doesn’t stretch physics nearly as much as just about anything else in the Star Wars universe. A human is thought to be able to live in space without a suit for up to two minutes. Granted, your blood would be boiling while also trying to escape your body through every orriface so it would be amazingly unpleasant, but you don’t die immediately. As for the floating through space part, think of the Force in terms of relativity. There’s no difference between reaching for a light saber and it flinging towards you than you reaching out for a spaceship and being pulled to it. One could, in fact, Leia pulled the ship to her and it just appeared as though she was moving. Either way, it’s actually the exact same thing. Now, does Leia have the knowledge to do that? I think so. We know she’s naturally one of the strongest with the Force in the galaxy. Perhaps she got herself some training or it manifested itself in her in her time of greatest need. Tl;dr - I have no problem with this but it would have been better to kill her off then.

All of that said, after thinking on the movie for a while and reading up on some things I missed, the movie sucked.

This might be the funniest thing I’ve seen a long time; worth the 35min watch. The Last Jedi: An Unbridled Rage
