suggest a laptop plz

In my case, this is a disadvantage. I have Windows 7, Debian GNU/Linux and Kali Linux on my virtual machines. If I was using boot camp, I’d fill HD immediately and each time I should reboot just to switch OS. Also, I’d need backup each OS separately which is time consuming.

Why do you guys even bother running Windows on a Mac? I don’t have to do intensive Excel stuff so maybe that’s it. I thought about it for gaming but the graphics cards Mac’s use still suck too much to make it worthwhile.

I need Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Caseware, Passware KIT Forensic and other software which still does not exist on Mac. VM is better solution of using Wine or similar solutions.

The question is, why run Mac OS? I guess it doesn’t get virus, but I like Windows better, I am better at using it, and it has vastly larger software selection. Comrade Kapersky catches all the hacks anyway, amiright??

Intensive Excel stuff.

Excel is the only good thing to ever come out of Windows, can’t think of any other reasons.

Question for y’all. What kind of anti-virus/spyware/malware are you all running? I’ve been bare back for years with no problems but I’m thinking that’s not so smart in the long run.

^ On Mac, none. OS X has built in Antimalware in its Unix system on various levels. On Linux none but sometimes take check for rootkits via CL.

On Windows at firm we use Trend Micro Security. On VM Windows I use Eset, used Kaspersky before but had some problems with this.

lol you needed to rub the Mac in didn’t you.

Ok I’ll check out Trend Micro.

any brand of laptop - except Macs - that cost above $500 should have no problem doing “advanced” financial modeling. Even if you have tons of macro in there it should never bug out. Now if you are connecting to a BBG terminal then you’d need some massive ram firepower. My work computer has 16gb ram.

WoW! I didn’t expect that many replies.

Thank you all but I am still not decided :stuck_out_tongue: I totally agree MBPs are great but Excel is a little different in Windows and OS so why bother.

I have Office 2016 Excel even on Linux via CrossOver. For MAC OS, Parallels are better solution as mentioned earlier. However, the best for You is buying a Windows laptop. It’s hard to adapt on different platform, different actions and habits.

Before I even buy laptop, just want to know which computers offices or banks with heavy Excel/Finance work use in USA and Canada? I mean if they don’t use Macbooks then why should I bother re-learning after using Windows all this time?

^ Windows is used for sure. Excel is designed for Windows. Macros don’t even work properly on a mac, last time I checked. Haven’t used it in a couple of years though.

ew dont be a mac thats for hipsters. im a pc!

I got a lenovo thinkpad x270 at work. i got a docking station with it. so i can go in and out.

but personally. i prefer my gaming laptop at home.

its blinged out. better specs. cool shell. pretty lights. much cheaper.

Lenovo X1 Carbon at work which must be the PE thing in NY? Few of the PE funds go with Lenovo laptops whereas in the HF world, it is all about Dell Desktops.

Lenovo and Dell in Toronto.

dell desktop was my other option too. lol is everyone buying the same shit. lenovo laptop more $$$