Supreme Court rules gay couples nationwide have a right to marry

It has to be Essene to be belived.

they have not officially split. just boycotting and protest from a small minority of clergy from time to time. further to my statements, i didn’t know this but apparently the Anglican Church of America has married some same-sex couples and two gay clergy members have even married each other. so outlawing gay marriage in the U.S. was a clear violation of religious freedom.

Well, it’s a good point about the non-marital sex. I did not think about it that way. However, at the same time, it’s sort of bizarre that people can redefine the rules to accept things like gay sex, and then say they are still practicing the same religion. Basically, this means that religion is all just made up, and perhaps we should not make any policy decisions at all based on religious preference.

It’s like how GRR Martin can write anything he wants, and it becomes true in Game of Thrones universe. It was all a dog’s dream? Sure. So now, whatever “the church” (a bunch of dudes in a room) decides is true just becomes canon.

Hey now. That’s a way unfair comparrison. One is a work of fantasy and the other is an outstanding series of books about dragons.


agreed. its foreseeable that one day the state may have to deny some religious rights. i personally don’t think gay sex/marriage is the issue that does this because it is somewhat universally accepted by all in some fashion but something will come. it seems like a lot of folks on this forum want to marry their siblings so maybe that’ll be the issue that does it.

This was an interesting talk I ran across while doing mindless number stuff for a bit. It reminded me of our discussion here, about how we react to “otherness”, which is typically a mixture of anxiety, fear, and disgust. However, we are also fairly compassionate, at least before we start getting measured by our P&L figures.


So I was wondering, how many people does this actually impact? Why do we care?

Kinsey concluded…37% of men in the U.S. had achieved orgasm through contact with another male.

Gebhard concluded…finding that 36.4% of men had engaged in both heterosexual and homosexual activities, as opposed to Kinsey’s 37%.

LOL, okay. Americans have serious issues with statistical honesty.

What’s with all this faux enlightnment tribalism? Saying it’s cool to stick your pee pee in a poo poo doesn’t make you a fearless juggernaut. It makes you an intemperate douche.

Am I cool now that the Supreme Court made me an iconoclast? I’m counterculture.