Thank you Marc LeFebvre - Level UpBootcamp

Yeah, I know. I was just saying that I’ve also heard really good things from several friends about Mark Meldrum, kind of as an aside to my review of Marc LeFebvre. Sorry for the confusion. It was clear to me, but I can understand why it wouldn’t be clear to anyone else.

Richie Owen: there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.

I met Richie years ago in Philadelphia; I was teaching Level I and he was teaching Level II.

Richie’s great!

Peter’s an awesome instructor. Legendary.

I thought the bootcamp was a waste of time. It’s basically the same thing as the videos. I took the bootcamp because of the way Marc bundles things together…and I couldn’t get the IPS workshop or the exam binder without it. The exam binder was gold, and his slide book is very good, but the bootcamp is like drinking from a firehose, and I got very little out of it.

At the end of the day, you can pass with anyone of these instructors, but you have to stick with it, study hard, and really work their system. So in that sense I agree with you. Marc helps in a few ways, in his videos he teaches and that was useful to me in some areas like derivatives and currency which were hard for me. I scored over 90% in that section and I can assure you it was because of how Marc explains it, I couldn’t have gotten there on my own. His exam binder that is edited for no longer relevant material is great. Lastly, studying from the CFAI books was intimidating, but with the videos it somehow seemed more manageable.

Overall it is probably over-priced, but then how much is your time worth? I really didn’t want to take this exam twice, so I took what I thought was the best study provider for L3, and then really worked hard.

I took LevelUp Bootcamp and did everything right and did the videos and still failed. I just want my money back. Waste of time!

i am using adobe pdf premium to rearrange old CFAI PDF 2006-2018 for 6-7 days based on IFT (I know some of material he said not relevant actually still relevant), so i guess it save me $1500 instead of attending boot camp motivation seminar ?

its funny on previous thread i remember you talking ‘uneven playing field’ because of prep providers now you seem contradictory with your comment before.

Thanks - so happy that I can be part of this process for you.

Passed!! Officially a CFA Charterholder! Thank you, Marc A. LeFebvre, CFA @ LevelUp

Marc does go into great detail regarding the blueboxes & the slidebook, along with the videos, helps you understand and breeze through the curriculum much faster than if you were to read the CFA curriculum books on your own.

Yes, the bootcamp is not a magic wand that can turn someone who’s not prepped into a Charterholder. But it does reinforce the concepts learned from Marc’s videos and is a great addition in terms of the Essay workshop, IPS workshop & The binder.

Thank you for posting. Passing Level III is no easy task!

Hey - you did all the work and that’s how you passed. I was just there to guide.

Wow–you are the Rock Stars. I am happy to be the humble guide.

I agree–that’s why I recommend that anyone coming from Level II and hoping to pass Level III, should start planning their studies in September. Study using all the tools you can use - videos, and actual CFA materials highly recommended. Happy to discuss with anyone who is starting to study now for June.

you should update your sig to match your sponsor ads: “One and Done in 2020.”

2019 is over!

No, Marc did not ask us to start a shout out. I know because I took his bootcamp and I passed. And when I suggested to him “I will post something about bootcamp soon”, he answered “you should celebrate, and enjoy your summer”.

And no, he is not the perfect human. But he is really good for level 3, he adds value. And I highly recommend him to those taking level 3 seriously.

For those preparing for the exam, do it properly: start early, use CFAI materials, finish readings and some practice before attending his bootcamp, and you will win this game.

From the posts, I don’t think Humble is the correct word, LOL.

Could you imagine how much more civil this forum would be if we were forced to use our real names?

Not really, before I know I pass I have the LU logo up. My post was directed at people who were describing how they signed up for multiple courses, videos, notes, bootcamps, exam grading, etc. It is allowed by CFAI so it isn’t wrong, but is it creating an unfair advantage for some exam takers?