The 50 shades phenomenon proves the failure of feminism

Ever wonder why men behave the way they do? Because women like you two have this defeatist attitude. You just accept them the way they are. You don’t put men on a higher standard. In the end it is always the women that suffer the heartbreak. Call me traditional but there is something to say about a woman who waited after marriage. And contrary to what you say as fat chance, people are still doing it. They take marriage very seriously. Good or bad times, they stick together. Grow together. Unless the husband is extreme shit, the woman is there. That’s called loyalty. You sound too much like a typical American being molded to think certain ways and think that it’s perfectly fine to have as many partners as possible. I am saying this as a fellow Asian, you don’t understand anything. Nowadays men do not mature til in their late 20s to early 30s. You are simply a meat to them. And you don’t need to sleep with men to understand men. I think certain American customs and cultures we Asians should definitely learn such as hard work, being self-reliant, and ability to take risk. This is not one of them. This is something Americans can learn from the Asians. Peace out on this subject.

it sounds like you don’t understand the difference between sexual fantasy and equal rights for women

you are very stupid


I think what he’s saying is that “with control, comes the responsibility of making and sticking to a decision, being held accountable for a decision”

reminds me of that Avengers scene where Loki tells the Europeans that life would be easier if they just became his slaves

I hate when women say “I don’t regret sleeping with *insert large number of men* even if they were mistakes because it made me who I am today and I learned about myself”…learn about yourself without giving it away…damn. It doesn’t make you a better or more mature person…it makes you an easy person. Somehow some women think they will “find themselves” by sleeping around…like that slutty 40 year old from the thread the other day. You just end up becoming unappealing to decent guys and then wonder why you can’t find a decent guy. The decent guy is always looking for the girl who is worth it and the girl who is worth it knows her self worth enough to not sleep around for the purposes of “growing up”.

She isn’t stupid. Smarter than most women reading her past posts. Ignorant like I was. And misguided as to how to find love which is admirable. There is actually a difference between lust and love. When a man has more lust for you, he has less love for you. And vice versa. Women often mistaken physical attraction for love. It is not love. Physical attraction is there to mate. It is a prerequisite. Love occurs on a different level. On the mental and spiritual plane. Once you find love, you will have great sex. The best IMO. And it has a lot to do with men’s mental state.

You really cant blame women sometimes. Every few days of the month, they feel this irresistible attraction for the opposite sex. They think it’s love, but it is not. This is the same irresistible attraction teenage girls face when they reach that age. Thats why parents lock their girls in because they are afraid the girls will do something stupid.

I dont think she is saying that sleeping around is fine. We (most of us) give it away only when we trust the guy and see a long term relation. But if the guy turns out a jerk and vanishes, what do we do? Oops…purity is gone!!

I see my girl practically everyday and each time i see her i “lust” for her but that doesnt mean i have no love. I dont think they are mutually exclusive

I witnessed a surreal scene. Heading to see John Wick 2 with ticket in hand, I hear a ruckus approximately 50 feet away. A group of 20-25 women is blocking the entrance of a crowd of mostly women to the 50 shades Darker movie. Slogans are chanted, pamphlets are handed out, political statements are painted on topless women; all this happening while security is way over it’s head to getting things under control. Signs with words such as “Violence is not romantic” and “Patriarchy = Abuse” are in full view. Activists are walking around with buckets in hand for $50 donations to various women movements (#50dollarsnot50shades). I was told it’s not the first incident that has occurred before a 50 Shades movie.

Made me think about this thread.

I haven’t read or seen 50 shades

Oh, I didn’t know 50 shares was an anti-feminist movie…downloading! :+1:

The pendulum is swinging the other way, the cool shocking thing to do now is show normal gender behavior in movies! Bad press is good press.

Well it’s not anti-feminist and its also pretty rubbish so I wouldn’t be running to watch/read it. The story is essentially the same as Twilight FYI. It started out as fan-fiction. Some people initially claimed Twilight was anti-feminist and then there was a backlash against that saying that it isn’t or at least it’s not clear cut.

They should make a movie where all the women stay home cooking and doing laundry. :grin: