The memo, the release of...

That was underwhelming. Its just nunes writing about some talking points. I don’t see anything new there.

is my interwebs broken that link doesnt contain the memo for me?

Found another person using uMatrix.

Allow for documentcloud stuff.

what else did you expect? it was a political stunt and what would appear to be an attempt to provide trump with cover to get rid of rosenstein/mueller - it is becoming fun at this point they are trying to get off on legal technicalities and not even really challenging coordination. even if these warrants were complete BS trump & co got caught - there is no way you get out of this with a technicality & get to maintain the status quo

And…two and a half days of congress in session before government shutdown. This is what the useless degenerates are doing.

I was hoping for some really big disclosures about sources and methods, based on everything I’d heard

And the democrats response…

i mean i believe thats what happened over the last few days & originally what the FBI & CIA were worried about that got changed they didnt want it to give out detailed information about collection & such. it might have included that - it might not have. it seems like intelligence agencies are reviewing the dem memo as well so we’ll see about that.

honestly im not sure why dems were fighting the release - it looks like they didnt want transparency and was bad. i was for release of both and hopefully we’ll get them.

lmao “the FISA application also cited extensively a 9/23/16 Yahoo News article…” you really think that was the basis of the warrant? its much more likely they had stuff on him from listening to russian nationals that he spoke to who were under surveillance and he wasnt targeted directly & didnt want to get out who they were tapping. isnt that what their whole unmasking complaint was about? so was it the dossier or was it the unmasking or are they jsut throwing sh*t at the wall to see what sticks

Utter crap from the Republicans. If they think this is their best defense for the Trump campaign, a bunch of people are in a world of shit.

Carter Page was on the FBI’s radar for having peculiar contacts with Russians back in 2013. That was apparently when he was first put under surveillance. My understanding is that this surveillance can get renewed periodically provided that the FBI can document in the renewal application that the surveillance is providing useful information around a targeted topic. The surveillance was renewed multiple times. This should tell you something.

The investigation into the Trump / Russia connection started in summer 2016, well before the late October application discussed in the memo. And of course, the investigation includes many more figures than Carter Page.

The Democratic response posted above elegantly skewered this pathetic crap. If you read the memo and not the Democratic response, you’re not getting the full picture.

Yawn (literally), got woken up by VIX alarms…

The stock market disagrees with your drone account’s “analysis”.

i wish tured was still around to wake me

Everyone knows you’re just a pawn of the cabal

The Onion with the Truth Hammer.

Well, read it and the response…

Look, who has not had major dealings with Americans over the last couple decades? EVERY entity I have had significant contact with has been blatantly incompetent (major finance names, IRS, state governments and agencies, the police, the media, universities, etc). What, and the FBI are hiring from some different labor pool from a parallel universe? No. They are hiring the same morons who lack basic reasoning skills, and are corrupt as hell.

Fabricating reality, by USG operatives leaking to corporate media, and then using “journalists” as proof. Yes we know they do that. The NYT says the FBI is spying on Trump, then Trump says “then Obama tapped my phones”, then the Dems/FBI/media scramble to change their story. Then Comey says he is surprised by the NYT story, looked into it, and no such operation existed (NYT lied). Then memo says operation did exist, and corporate media is back to saying it dates back to Summer (Comey lied), so we’re right back to spying on the opposition party. Where there is smoke there is fire, they are clearly lying.

The Dems response contains nothing, just a bunch of “but that’s not true”, without actually providing any facts/reasoning on why it is not true. Their base are a bunch of idiots incapable of basic reasoning, you just say some postmodernist “I feel it’s false” and it is! Of course the Repub’s base are mentally retarded as well. Ignoring all these morons, and synthesizing all data points…

It’s a “corporate-government” state, and this aggregate entity is accountable to, and controlled by, nobody. It’s probably true that; there was never any evidence of anything, or selective application this time (and not for Obama/Hillary), a deepstate/media witch hunt cause the “wrong” person won. It’s a way to apply pressure and control the non-S&P500-endorsed president; sideline the anti-corporate things people voted for (anti-globalism) and get back to maximizing profits (corporate tax cuts, keep the corporate healthcare scam alive, etc), or else impeachment.

America is a failed state, the end, going back to sleep now.

the market has literally trended down all day and would have gapped down drastically if it were related to the memo… im buying.

PA you are naive to think they used a yahoo article - lets count our chips when muellers report is released. ive got my money on trumps incompetent morons being picked up via normal surveillance of foreign nationals of interest (aka the unmasking scandal) and thats what kicked off the investigation. You really think the FBI is digging through yahoo news for leads? lol

also FYI pa the dem response should be out in a few days after the FBI is done redacting the same type of info it did on the repubs memo

  1. My understanding is that the Nunes memo was unredacted.

  2. The Democrats - the minority on the Intelligence Committee - have written their own memo that provides more context. They are willing to have the FBI check it and redact it.

  3. The Republicans on the Intelligence Committee - the majority - voted several days ago that the minority memo could not be released.

This is solely to get the base angry. No other purpose.

looks like pubs took one on the chin