The Notre Dame de Paris thread

There’s the guy with the bear logo and the CSI person, who are clearly the same user who uses each account to upvote the other (I’m not sure why anyone would do this). Is this monkey or purealpha?

It’s PA. We just had a monkey sighting that was deleted. PA is somewhat normal, less bipolar and more financial educated, tends to comment on investments. Monkey’s style is more irreverent more narrowly focused on geopolitical and cultural east / west issues and prone to spastic implosions.

There’s obviously a lot of voter fraud the karma system, someone has obviously been emulating what the democrat party has done for years, very sad!!!

I know. Poor Nery now has something like -800 points, and this is not at all reflective of his high quality posts. Clearly, he has been a victim of this conspiracy.

Also like to add, I like having PA around, hope mods can chill on the trigger finger. Monkey I could don’t care what they do.

Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?I have—I’ve been protested and demonstrated against Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times