The Official "Wall" Thread

His benevolence has no limit!

in all honesty man, it’s pretty pathetic that you can’t realize how futile a physical “Wall” is man. It didn’t even work for 700B.C China God dammit. Are you that stuck in the past? You don’t think technology has taken us to a point where we can find more effective, and damn sure more efficient methods of border security than to build a mother fucking wall?

If walls are so ineffective why do all political elite live behind them?

Dude, you need to go back to college and enroll in some critical thinking classes.

Boom roasted.

How many illegal Mexican immigrants in China since the wall :bulb:

Spell out loud letter by letter “I map” and then say “enis”

so much winning

Very heartwarming that we have a president who cares about American children, it’s been a while since we’ve had one, so beautiful, keep winning Mr. President! We’re no where close to being tired of it!
