The Q Thread

You obviously care deeply and passionately about India and her people. I think it was horrible what the Brits did to your country. They should have stayed and helped you develop into a superpower.

nazi sympathizer? that wasnt mere prose - you literally stated that nazis were better than the brits from your standpoint (which you take as objective fact)

go cry elsewhere - no one wants to discuss india ad nauseam with you because we dont really care that much to. india is hacksaw.

You make a fair point, but personally I believe India just had a run of bad luck since 1935 when Amrish Puri stole the mystical stones from the local villagers. Thankfully there was an American around to restore balance and bring prosperity back to the glorious native peoples.

It’s an objective fact that you deserve to be punched in the face.

did the thought ever occur in your little head that Hitler did those things specifically to weaken what he saw as his main competition at the time? you really think hitler gave a rats ass about the people of any of those areas? do you think he wouldnt have rolled tanks through there and blitzkrieged them to the ground and rounded up all the brown folks and burned them alive?

i dont worship churchill or the brits in the slightest - just showing your entirely one sided viewpoint to yourself in a mirror as you cry about others having one sided view points.

yea… hitlers agreement with imperial japan would have been honored. much like he honored all the other agreements he made

I’m going to have to agree with the new guy. Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy. After all, he did kill Hitler.

monkey is back yayyy

makes sense now - did monkey get banned or just vanish?

Banned. Many, many times.

isnt rubbing a few out a better use of his & the internets time?

What do you think he’s doing here?

forgot about all the pics of SRK’s abs we have on here…

we know the playbook. Not gonna work.

MK ULTRA is real.

no really, MKU is real, possession is real.


Fantastic source of info on the ongoing operation to save the world.



The future of Iran belongs to its PEOPLE

Bye bye FVEY. Seven dwarfs put to bed for good. Bad actor Intel channel deleted. What a beautiful day!