
That is pretty annoying - I am in the same boat. Though, I did download the ebook, and you can print it, so that is an option. I didn’t really use the books for Level 2 so might not bother buying them for Level 3.

I tried to follow the above instruction, but I stopped at step 3. Clicking on your link moves me into curriculum section with below comments from CFA Institute: “Our records indicate that you already own one format of this year’s curriculum. You may purchase the additional format at a discounted rate.” “You are not eligible for additional curriculum at the member or candidate rate. To purchase curriculum at the public rate, Contact Us.” Any ideas, how to skipp it?

I am in the same position as Mikolaj and others.

With the help of IvyC and Meera85 I tried the procedure a couple of weeks ago and you could tweak it, to order only the print copy.

Now I am actually in a position to sign up, I now find I can only order the e book and also get the stupid message…

“Our records indicate that you already own one format of this year’s curriculum. You may purchase the additional format at a discounted rate.”

“You are not eligible for additional curriculum at the member or candidate rate. To purchase curriculum at the public rate, Contact Us.

I would be grateful if anyone can work a fix out of this to just order the print copy.

I am in the Uk and have contacted the CFA on a couple of occasions, after a day or two they just seem to respond that I can order the print copy at extra cost, every time you ask them.

The webook is of no use to me, as I am effectively a paying customer as well as a low life candidate, it really would be nice and helpful if CFAi could assist candidates with their education and progress towards gaining the charter.

Any updates on how to get round this would be greatfully received!

Looks like the loop hole has been closed. bad luck.

It seems like you can checkout with just the registration (no ebook) if you follow up to step 3. Can you just purchase the actual print version after the fact?

Basically, you would call them back and say, I want to purchase the print version. They couldn’t ethically sell us just the exam registration and refuse to sell us either e-book nor print version right?



I wouldn’t count on that logic, as CFAI does whatever the f it wants.

Yep, seems like it. They were going to figure it out eventually, so I’m glad I got it before they made the fix.

This is disappointing, on the basis that some candidates have been able to register for only print copies of the curriculum.

Yeah, it looks like said loophole has been closed but it doesnt make sense for them to charge $150 for the ebooks and then charge $150 for the print. That’s just absurd.

confirmed, loophole closed, include $20 for shipping and its $170 for the print books, wtf

It does look that way.

I asked CFAI how some candidates were allowed to order just the print copies?

“This is not an option provided by CFA Institute and is not considered to be ethical behavior.”

Codes of conduct, anyone???

^I would say it’s not very ethical of CFAI to force people buy things that they don’t want or won’t use!

If they want to force people to by the e-version then just include it in the registration price and increase it by $150 so it doesn’t look like a separate line item. Then people can have the option to add on the print version for an extra $150.

does the cost of the print books increase the longer you wait to buy them? like if I wait until november to buy them, will it cost more than $150? i don’t think so, but wanted to make sure, thanks

i just came here looking for this question. So just to clarify, at checkout I did in fact have to buy the e-books i have 0 intention of using for $150 only to be able to later on buy the print books I actually want for another $150? Correct? The CFAI is out of control… that’s absolutely ridiculous. I’d email them, but I see zero reason to be the 2000th person pointing out how fucked that is. They obviously know and dont care.


Dear IvyC

Want to register with print books without the ebook option…

Please send the procedure to: friend27sb@yahoo.com
