Trading 101

I change my mind. I think you should put your 25k on options. why not? you only live once. things can be worst, you could spend that on an engagement ring. let us know what you buy too so we can go for the ride with you. If you win, please send myself and 3 other ppl who have contributed to your wealth 1000 dollars each. good luck buddy.

@higg, True; I’m in the wrong business!

Thanks all, especially Zesty. Mate and others whats the maximum leverage I can gather realistically. I am certain on my bets to a large extent and willing to loose it all and more if need be. Just like Zesty said. For example 31 dec BAC cal options? Btw how much are they trading? Any recommendations of brokerages too. In the worst case, I will be wiped out in a day or two. Thanks again fellas. Cheers. Frankie I will keep that in mind If I hit the big lotto.

Further more I have of down-and-out calls or up-and-out puts. The difference & would these be viable strategy as I am told they are usually highly leveraged. Let me put it frankly I am willing to lose the whole 25k basically bust or all the way. Thanks fellas

why not just go to vegas and throw dice? It’s basically the same thing here

Vegas never really appealed to me. Besides too many broads and other distractions. I will take my chances with a brokerage firm. Any takers on down-and-out calls. Cheers

You’re not going to save much money by buying down-and-out calls. Plus, I doubt that you will find many market makers for $25k. Sticking with vanilla options will be more appropriate for you.

“too many broads” WTF is wrong with this guy.

I agree. that is totally suspect.

@Token, Dude just buy 200 SPY $120 strike Dec 2013 call options; if the S&P bounces back from it’s current lows you’ll easily make 10-20% on your money in a very short time.

this is not Trading 101, this is Road to Poverty 101!

Thanks again Zesty but I am still sticking to my picks… Can you give me say examples RIM & BAC March 31st call options…Secondly what would be an ideal leverage for say 25k initial… Is 50:1 feasible…I can be pragmatic, what is the ideal and likelihood leverage I will get. Cheers mate.

Yes 50 to 1 is feasible and very pragmatic (500 to 1 is crazy).

Thanks LBriscoe. Mate what about 100:1 or am I pushing it now. Any recommendations of decent brokerages willing to offer that a fella with mere 25k startup and unknown to them. I am looking for reliability, low commissions and fast transactions. Thanks in advance.

I think I figured it out finally. Hope I am right on the bet… I will buy simple OTM calls and see where this 25k heads…Bust or not come strike day… At least with this, I will be cushioned against short term fluctuations won’t I? Will I still be able to take leverage with OTM calls, say upto 100:1. Much appreciated all. Lets hope I am good at tech firms predictions so I can finally go to the valley with this loot.

Please post daily updates.

Will do Swan… Much appreciated for your feedback.

yes, daily updates on your purchases would be great. check out Amanda Lang on Lang and O’Leary exchange to get comfortable with classy broads.

Token, NO 50:1 is not feasible with retail brokerage. Unless you are institutional or have a ridiculous amount of money you’re not going to be able to do 50:1. If you’re trying to do leverage to buy options going to a retail broker the most you’ll be able to do, from my experience, will be 2:1. Check out Optionsxpress, Interativebrokers, and TD Ameritrade If you want to look up out of the money options for RIMM and BAC look at Google Finance and type in the ticker then look up “Option Chain” to the left. Yeah, let us know how you do.

Agreed - where’s a popcorn emoticon when you need one.