Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

Turd can’t even play 2D chess without puking on himself. Bannon would be disgusted.


It’s pretty genius actually. Trump’s behavior is so bizarre that he has inoculated himself against any blackmail. He paid off some pornstar to hide his affair? No one cares, because he’s done other, crazier stuff. Any other politician can be held hostage with far less scandalous material, but Trump is immune. Truly 4 dimensional thinking at work.

Trump is this woman’s b i tch, sources say :sob:

Stormy Daniels - I was not impressed with her work.


Right? The quietest day of Trump’s presidency would have been a full scale scandal on Fox News if he were a dem. Now, this Stormy Daniels thing is a half a day news cycle item at best. Still probably not even the top story. If Obama was connected to something like this he’d be impeached eventually. We’ve come so far. #growth #MAGA

Yawn, enough with your 1950’s morality. This is the future.


The past is the future.

Hey that BW guy is back?!


nothing about that is new… we already knew he wanted to bone his daughter & had he been born in alabama he likely would have

If Trump wants to bone Ivanka, he’s just like a majority of male Americans, making him even more relatable.

Kushner is so fucking lucky!

Its amazing the internet is still free

^LOL what a time to be alive.

Image may contain: 1 person, hat, beard and text

i sure hope you don’t have a daughter of your own for her sake.

i really want this story to be true because the bit about him watching shark week and saying he would never donate to a charity that saves sharks was possibly the funniest thing ive read all week - in reality who cares if he is smashing porn stars, im sure Melania is happy about it since its one less time shes got to bang him. It is hilarious watching the mental gymnastics of evangelicals though