And here we are again.

twtr pre-trump a failure;

twtr post-trump is great for the first time

They keep banning people who won’t bow to corporate-liberalism. Not only is their business idea garbage, but they are also fascists.

In terms of long term holdings: said this the other day before FB blowup and ill say it again here as it applied to twtr as well. i dont see the services FB & twtr provide being “cool” in 10 years - FB has lasted 10 years but the change in the time was so drastic changing from college kids trying to smash chicks & talk to their friends to granny and parents posting stupid crap all the time. most people under 40 dont really use it much at all to my knowledge. That likely means they will have to rapidly transform again to be sustainable in 10 years and you really have to either A) be on point and continuously be the flavor of the month or B) buy every company that is (see FB with instagram) and they are certain to lose out or be outbid by Google/Apple on some hits. When i invest tech i typically like to invest in businesses that have a plan that isnt going anywhere - Google strikes me as that, Intel strikes me as that, Cisco strikes me as that. Dont even think id want netflix for a 10yr hold period

best chance that FB has is in messaging and photos. FB messenger and/or WhatsApp and Insta will hold value for awhile. they could easily ruin Insta though. the newsfeed is going to die a couple of years and so will much of FB’s revenues. FB and others have basically gotten us used to scrolling through ads but now people are realizing that all they see is ads and they’re bored. they will only be able to advertise male enhancement to grandma for so long. i prefer to go person-by-person in instagram and check out photos/videos of people who are still relevant to me. i’m sick of looking at people i don’t know anymore and ads, which is 98% of what i see on FB. can’t do much to substantially monetize my person-by-person viewing though so FB’s revenue outlook may be crap.