Waiting for CFA 2018 results

I passed also, big relief!

Finally! Updated my profile status :slight_smile:

Above 90th on everything except Econ and port management.

Man theses guys need to get more website bandwidth.

how can u guys say level II candidate without registering??

i passed, thank magician, thank for your website and all the comment you give

Register by phone!!


Scored above the 90th percentile.

Very pleased and hope for the best in Level 2 also.

All the best to those who are yet to receive their results.

Barely passed! Below 70% of available points on Econ, Equity, Fixed Income, FRA. PM, and Quant, but above 90th percentile on Ethics. All those practice questions paid off. Now back to the grind for level 2. :grin:

geez dont be a buzz kill

I passed!


I can’t see an overall mark. Do they provide one? The thick blue line is about halfway between the min passing score, and the 90th percentile, but not sure exactly what that means. From my brief perusal of the breakdown, looks like I did very badly in econmomics and corp fin, and then did fairly well in most topics, and absolutely crushed Ethics. From what I can tell, it looks like I was around 100% in ethics. I’m glad I followed the great advice here!

Passed!! I’m so happy!! And I scored above 90 percentile! Now level 2!

Congratulations to everybody! :slightly_smiling_face:

Also above 90th percentile - seems like AF represents a biased sample, haha.

Of course it is a biased sample! Hahahha…I’m sure those who didn’t do well don’t come here to boast about it like we do.

That being said, the pass rate of 43% is the same as last year, so it hasn’t become easier for any of us.

People on this forum are obviously very prepared and goal oriented for the most part. I come from a non-target and only 2 out of 7 people that I knew were taking the exam passed…

Congrats to all that have passed. Under the new results presentation, are we allowed to say that we scored above the 90th percentile? I have also overlaid a grid on top of the result to work out my exact score (y-axis looks to run 0% to 100%) – has anyone else done this?

@gcork. I think if you say a particular score you would be breaking the C&S because it is not a hard fact you where given by CFAI, you can say above the 90th percentile because that is a hard fact and you are not saying you are a better analyst than others, or lying about your results.

Scored above the 90th percentile also; I am very happy, but I must say that this forum (and people like S2000 M, Harrogath, 125mph, among others) helped me a lot to have these great results.

Those who passed, do enjoy it; those who didn’t pass, I assure life will give you a rematch if you work hard enough.

Congrats to all who passed!

To those who didn’t pass…, never give up!


Congratulations, Manuvdv!