What’s the temperature where you’re right now?

61 degrees in CT right now – about 50 degrees better than last week. Feels warm!

31 degrees. Freezing rain expected tomorrow.

Its beautiful out right now; 45 degrees.

:+1: How’s the humidity?

Last night it got cold enough here in the flatlands of Southern California that we had ice on the windshields this morning. 33°F according to our outdoor thermometer, though it may have been colder.

That’s nothing compared to the more northerly climes, of course, but pretty darned cold for here.

^We’re supposed to get a quarter inch of ice tonight. I don’t mind snow, but ice is not nice. If the weather prognosticators are correct, I’ll be working from home tomorrow.

Be sure to thoroughly salt your car tonight!

camilla cabello says!

you aint gotta go to work!


you can work from home!

^Looks like ohai’s car but I know he’d never let the valet park it outside.

Hah, in NY, having a car is for poor people, because it means you live in Queens.

That’s probably only in the common part of Queens.

our poor don’t even have cars just shopping carts!

When I was visiting NYC last November I was surprised how clean the subway was. We were staying in mid-town; the farthest north we went up would have been to central park near the Plaza hotel.

Nah, I do most of my shopping at the 54th & Park Ferrari dealership. Love driving those right out onto the street.

^ that’s not a dealership, just a merchandise store, those cars are just display, authorized dealer is on Long Island

This was my ride in NYC!!! :+1:

Guess you don’t know the secret handshake…