What was the biggest f**k up of your life?


The hindsight bias, yeah. However, this investment had great prospectiveness even for a 2nd year economics student. The thing was that parents were not technical at investment analysis. Perhaps one of my inspirations for walking this path (investment and finance).

Yeah, you have to judge the choice based on the decision-making process, and not the outcome. I offer the following as an example of a good decision with a bad outcome.


You’re still not over that girl, are you? :broken_heart:

This was my first thought T.T

Hang in there bud, don’t do anything rash!

yeah yeah I know. I met up with her over the weekend… but a day later it’s back to I need time and space.

Why do girls change their minds every 15 seconds? I don’t understand.

I really can’t think of anything. So far I’ve ended up in a pretty good spot, so hard to know what have been otherwise. Since I work in finance, I probably would have benefited from going to college in the Northeast. There is a lot of benefits to being in those social circles and soft knowledge accumulated from people with their parents in the industry. I’d be surprised if anyone I grew up with knows who McKinsey or Goldman Sachs are, besides maybe some thing they’ve heard in passing. But who knows - I may have frozen to death

I canceled a conference call with a bunch of Goldman PMs last week (because I was sick). It’s been rescheduled for this week - but it was still a #BSD moment in my career.

^ gotta work that story into your cover letter somehow

“Sorry, Jim… I need to cancel the call… My @ss is literally exploding… Oh god… why… AAAaaahhh!! (inhuman noises) **Beep**”

BSD call.

in my hs. one of my close friends got into harvard and went to i degaf mode. he was blastin his music when his mom tried to regulate. and he was like nah thx. she tried to get physical. he got some scissors and told her to back up. she called the cops. it was a whole incident. our school counselor found out and told harvard. harvard rescinded the offer. then he went to ucr. last i hung with him, he was taking shrooms.

anyways whos to blame? my friend? his mom? the guidance counselor? rap music? or krn culture? very sad!

I haven’t been drawn to dwell in regret since a young age.

Wait, how is this a BSD move? This is a completely routine occurrence. More BSD is to fire those PMs as their performance is lagging and to tell them that brand name does not equal results.

My biggest regret is choosing my school based on its athletic program. Was recruited and could have gone to some really good academic schools with shitty level in the sport I was playing…ended up going to shitty academic school with a great athletic team. Luckily I was smart enough to choose really good majors so that I didn’t graduate with a degree in psych. or medieval poetry etc.

Throwing baseball at 70mph when i could thrown at 100

In college, one random Wednesday night, I had the chance to hang out and sleep with an absolute smokeshow. I had an important exam the next day. I postponed the netflix and chill session and studied for the exam, thinking that I’d bang her later. Needles to say, it didn’t happen. Today, I don’t really even remember what exam it was or why it was so important, but her face haunts me on fb every once in a while.

I blew my inheritance in ten minutes.

haha dudeeeee. on fb i always get suggested to add chicks that gave me their numbers. god i love fb. im going to buy more this jan.