What we do in life echoes in eternity! So what are your goals for 2019? disskurt

Also nerdy your wedding plans are absurd and I’ve never gotten married haha. And I suspect that you may want to change the sequence of events a bit

She doesn’t drink. Lol dammit I think she has 3 or 4 months before pregnancy becomes an issue. Right?

If you were smart you’d just do it before the pregnancy, get married at Bellagio in a package deal. Small size wedding. No planning, actually not that expensive, keeps it in line with your persona apparently.


Some people are fine, some people start puking throughout the day month 2.

Don’t know if you should accept a $6k venue from bitcoin guy, as he will surely demand to be best man and give a long speech. Seems like the type to have a bit too many drinks and turn it into a rant about being a cuckolder victim. On the plus side, he might praise your character for going at least 5 months without cheating.

Haha raw. Its marked to market and net of debt. I literally keep a balance sheet with each account I update pretty regularly. I also have another sheet with forecasted net worth for each age. I’m kind of crazy.

In terms of sequence of event, many have told me this in which I respond. If I’m going to buy a marriage, I want to make sure I have a vested interest with a down payment. Hahahahaha

as for a vegas wedding. I would literally prefer to just sign a document. Anyways the issue is she wants a big wedding and invite a ton of people. My family actually wants to spend a lot of money on this crap as well. My bro got married in a yacht cruising in Newport. While my sis got married at one of the top venues in California. I’m not about that life. If I can be quite honest, I don’t even want to have a marriage, I just want a kid with a wife to take care of it

If you’re so concerned about cost, which is fine, why are you trying to have a kid so fast? You know how much they cost to raise properly???

Yep I’ve done research. Kids are an investment. So it’s a good use for money!

lol, please tell me how I can monetize mine tanks

I thought your life philosophy is that kids are entitled to drain all the blood from their parents. What is the investment return? Maybe you want them for organ donor in the future or something.

As Whitney Houston once said

[Verse 1] I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be

Imo if I could live forever, I would not see the need for children. But since we all die, this is the only way a part of me can stay alive. Plus expanding your family means more chances of survival, if you are a good parent then they should be productive members of society to bring more wealth and power to your family.

Nerdy, this is a joke but comes from a place of honesty… Have you factored in a divorce in your networth projections?

^ Pffft, that’s easy to model!!! That’s the investment where the return is -50%!!!

will you charge your kid interest when he borrows money from you to pay for pre-k?

You know I pretty much thought about it, and the funny thing is she has mentioned the scenario to me. right now everything is perfect, but 10 years from now what’s to stop me from getting a younger wife. Lol, my response to her is that if there are plenty of kids then I’d feel fulfilled and would not do anything to risk ruining that. I really just need 1 successful son to carry my name and I’d die happy! The other kids are just to increase the odds.

anyways bros i need to nap as I’m headed to the club in a few hours to help bitcoin find a new hoe. Happy Friday all!

ps I just got Mario kart (on sale today) and super smash on switch. HMU if you got it

She can also divorce you…

Nery bro, go have the wedding in Manilla. Will cost a fraction, wedding singers a dime a dozen, and lots of people won’t go so less cost. You can call it a destination wedding, make it sound hip to the wife. As for the kids, why don’t you just adopt some adult kids and give them your name? Problem solved.

Funny night. Same bs drama but I found it more entertaining. The highlight of the night was when me and 1 of my fuck boy buddies approached these 2 chicks. My convo with the blonde chick sounded decent enough, though my execution was a bit awkward and was just playful banter. She did tell me her friend was married but she was single. I think I had a weird response to that. Then she started trying to let me down in a gentle way saying, I hope you find the perfect girl cuz ur awesome blah blah blah. And I was like omg!! I actually have a gf I’m planning to propose to. Then she said I can totally tell you have this good positive aura coming out of you! I was like yea!!! Want to see pics? Anyways my buddy was hella confused but I was trying to get my buddy on this chick instead of wasting time with married girl. But then he tried his negging strategy which totally ended the convo. Haha. Anyways:

I think my gf will not divorce me unless I try having multiple wives or something like that. I think she will forgive for a minor penetration or something like that. She is very forgiving and very nice. And honestly because of those 2 traits, I just want her to have a happy perfect life as she deserves it. But I also need what makes me happy. A blood related successful heir! Not my blood! Not my problem!

the wedding will be big as this is for her and that is what she wants. Whether it will be expensive, well that is up to me. That part is how much I can get away with being cheap with my family. Her family is poor so they won’t really know the difference.

Goals are to:

Learn as much as possible in my new gig

Save x% of my/my wife’s combined income (TBD - counting 401k contributions etc. I think the goal we will settle on is about 28%)

Keep my little man on track to attend HBS in 2039 (currently 11months old so this is more of a long-term goal)

Eat more red meat (to increase my carbon footprint)

Gain (only) 5 lbs

Lol my cousin just won 30 million dollars in the lottery. Lucky biznitch.