Who Won the BSD Award?

What’s BSD?

Big Swinging D***? You need to read LIars Poker.

Not sure what BSD is but here’s mine:

Essay Portfolio Management - Institutional 20 -*-** Fixed Income Investments 22 -*- Equity Investments 19 --* Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 13 --* Portfolio Management - Monitor&Rebalance 13 --* Portfolio Management - Individual 22 -*-** Portfolio Management - Individual 17 --* Portfolio Management - Risk Management 20 --* Economics 18 --* Portfolio Management - Indiv/Behavioral 16 --* Item Set Alternative Investments 18 --* Economics 18 --* Ethical & Professional Standards 36 --* Fixed Income Investments 18 --* Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 18 --* Portfolio Management - Individual 18 --* Portfolio Management - Institutional 18 --* Portfolio Management - Performance Eval. 18 --* Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 --*

From 300 hours:

Your Grade:** Pass Your estimated 40/60/80 score: 76.4% Estimate only - not your actual score Your theoretical maximum and minimum scores: **72.3% Minimum 94.7% Maximum

Wow that’s domination. Nice job.

Kindly walk us through your preparation strategy, bullet points would do

Kindly walk us through your preparation strategy, bullet points would do

Your Grade:** Pass**

Your estimated 40/60/80 score:** 66.1%**Estimate only - not your actual score

Your theoretical maximum and minimum scores:

56.1% Minimum

81% Maximum

I passed all 3 levels on 1st tries with identically mediocre 40/60/80 scores. Story of a B-student, but a consistent one.

for what it’s worth I got a terrible band 6 and my score is 202.5

This is so true.