Why are gay men so obsessed with abs?

Nice joke…but i am as normal as you greeniee…

I don’t know how one would suck abs, lick them maybe.

Ehhh… Too much

rahul roy, there are other forums for this kind of stuff!

LOL, 6 pack only

this dude troll of the year

not really sure where to start with that but for some reason it tickles me that it’s gaymen


dont do it

igor, you just revived a gay men abs thread from 2014

i hope the AF search function suited your needs appropriately

just some stuff about SRK thats all.

rahul roy Sep 15th, 2014 12:20pm

  • India
  • CFA Passed Level II
  • 2,278 AF Points

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Every one admires good things….

Gaymen:I want to suck SRK’s abs.

Normal men:I want abs like SRK.

Oh… This is where the “suck abs” thing started. This is fundamental AF lore. Good work, igor. Never forget.

_​_​Now… who can find the origins of “hacksaw”?

^ This AF member also probably started the whole rape thread culture . I am sure if you search “rape” you will be surprised at the threads turning up given this is supposed to be totally unrelated.