"Why is Apple stock so cheap?"

Ok, here come earnings!!! I’m gambling again.

I bouight 600 dollar strike price put options (May 19th) when apple was around 610. These are up about 90 percent. While I want to take some profit on it, I’m not gonna be a pussy for once. I’m gonna hold onto these things through earnings until expiration.

I’m looking for a miss. 8.5 dollars/share. I could be dead wrong.

I’m still probably going long this stock sometime in the fall. So the cheaper it gets the better.

funny, i been thinking of shorting this stock…not now but eventually…

I think now is a great time. You’ve got seasonality on your side. Plenty of exogenous risk rearing its ugly head. They don’t have any new sweet products on the horizon in the next few quarters. It’s run up a ton so I can imagine people will be eager to sell it off if it starts to go.

Takes balls to have a position - long or short - going into this afternoon. Expectations are so high they’ll have to miss big at some point. But, last quarter seems to have been good for most companies.

I think Apple exceeds today and disappoints next quarter. But, as ZH pointed out this morning, they have to surprise 20% over estimates for the stock price to react favorably (based on past earning announcements).

Yep, your probably right. I’ll be shorting this thing next quarter as well and pretty much until I see a new phone and or ipanel on the horizon.

I’m thinking of getting out before earnings. I should have already closed it out and have given back a lot, but I’m still up 30% or so since my most recent purchase. I’m a little bit worried b/c of the lower iPhone activation numbers posted by VZ and T, so the iPad will be the driver. I don’t really want to give back any more of the gains.

Well one of us will almost certainly be disappointed. I hope it’s you :slight_smile:

Well I sold my AAPL. Now I hope they fall like a stone. I’m now on your side tikka! haha

I really need to get better at selling things while they’re up. Oh well. A profitable trade is still a profitable trade.

this is one reason why i don’t buy into companies i can’t hold onto for a very long time…also because i suck as a seller…

but seriously guys, if you had enough faith in the company to warrant a purchase 30% below current price, you don’t see more potential going forward?

what do you expect this company to product over the next few years?

Ive posted some of my thoughts in the thread I created on Ipanel. I think Apple clearly has to move into other spaces to grow. They can’t do it all with iphones anymore.

You can interpret this as a good thing or a bad thing, but if I told you apple would be a cell phone producer 10 years ago you would think I was smoking crack. If I told you they were a record retailer or a publishing retailer you would say the same thing.

I’m looking for Apple to come in and steal more market share from lots of other businesses as they have been doing for the past 10 years. Apples gain has been Nokia and Motorola’s loss the past 5 years.

Maybe Apple can do it again. I want to get a clearer picture about the Ipanel and where they are headed next. I think they are gonna go to blows over digital media and content with Google, Microsoft and Facebook and everyone else. The difference is that their brand will give them the ability to sell something like an IPanel. I’m fairly certain one of the four companies I just named will win this.

Who will lose? Well Netflix for one. I’m just trying to figure out when they get bought out? 4 billion bucks for a market cap and dropping. PC makers definitely. The Ipanel will be end of the home desktop PC. It’s been dying for sometime, but this will definitely kill it. Home PC will now just be a TV.

I don’t see why people are pointing to lower activations on ATT and Verizon as evidence of poor results. YOY they sold more and not only that, but at ATT had 78% of new sales! Oh, and China came on line in January… so that blow out last quarter was PRE-CHINA (though granted, a holiday quarter).