within 20 years, automation could take the place of >$5 trillion in labor

First, I don’t really see how that happens with technology costs declining further. Second, that movie sucked.

I imagine that as technology becomes more diffuse worldwide, the average living standards will tend down in developed countries to world averages, though there will be a wealthy upper class. Like how you have these large companies doing tech stuff with millions in market cap per employee. But I have no idea what’s happen.

And ya that movie sucked.

Japan has been a “wasteland” for 30 years, lol. You’ve either never been there or don’t understand the term wasteland.

Bottom line: None of us really know how things will play out. It’s safe to say, though, that it would be wise to commit to a lifetime of continuous learning to keep your skills technologically current.

Productivity growth in Japan has been quite similar to the US and Europe over the past 25 years. Living standards are very high. Unemployment and crime rates are very low. Headline GDP growth is low for sure but much of that is due to demographics.

whats wrong with more automation. would you rather work for the sake of work? i think bill gates or ray dalio said something of this nature though that if there was more automation then we will need more welfare. in this scenario i would be cool with welfare.

Universal basic income might become a reality in the US some day – but it wouldn’t provide for anything more than a very basic subsistence living.


Getting rid of labor is the goal. Then the 2% of smart people can spend their time coming up with awesome ideas like colonizing mars and building sex bots that robots implement while the rest of us suckle the teat and shit post on online forums all day.

while i believe this is direction we are headed, it is quite disconcerting. work, even if it is for work’s sake, is one of the pillars of happiness in my opinion and keeps most people out of trouble. idle hands do the devil’s work.

Yeah thinking about this, idle hands do cause issues at times even if welfare is provided.

a) If people in the welfare state feel their needs are being met, it could be ok

b) There will still be a large divide between rich/poor

c) Uprising may occur

man some of you are so freakin depressing…cant imagine you at happy hour

Whats your drink of choice

Im headed to happy hr now - in Orange County / margaritassss

i dont drink that bullshit. vodka cmon


duuude stoli is hacksaw. ciroc or goose

goose is sooo 2003. Getting hammered with Goose @ SoundFactory is sooo 2003

let me guess you drink titos or absolut

I don’t drink

whats your vice?