Would you re-take for the 7thtime?

Well, to make a long story short… Thanks to everyone who wrote in the thread. When I opened it I hoped I’ll be washed with comments like “I cleared LII from my 11th attempt, that’s OK” etc.

Now I see I really, really damped and frickenly ridiculed myself with even a thought of 7th try.

You know, there’s a phrase of Amstrong about “pain s temporary” but if you quit if will last forever. It’s true, but he did not mention the severity of the pain.

If I quit, I’ll be out of front office forever and will continue my working in the industry in the same sense as a cleaning guy in the concert hall is in show business. This pain - permanent pain - is manageable, I can apply to a consultant who will teach me to deceit myself (I am not a loser, I just failed all my career, LOL).

If I stay, temporarily pain will be much stronger… and after several fee donations to CFAI it will become permanent :))))

So I think like I am going to choose to quit - it’s cheaper and involves lower level of pain.

btw, I fount in the archive of the forum a guy who’s nick was 5th timer. he did level 2 on the 5th time and failed… now I am the champion loser, please mark me for the next generations :)))


Don’t b so depressed… U can take a 1year break and decide again…

This program doesn’t have a deadline to complete… U can even take it few years later when u have recharged…

Don’t rush to decide now… Go and spend some quality time with your family now that exam is over.

хуево мне братец хуево

keep at it, man, if you’re serious about the CFA program, and you have/ are willing to dedicate your time into it. seems you’re facing a psychological hurdle or mental block, after 6 tries. if i can do it, anyone on this forum can pass L2, trust me.

I know this guy to failed L2 three times and passed on the 4th. He has re-taken L3 four times in the past and this June was his 5th time. If you can do the math… that’s a DECADE studying for a finance exam (if you count L1). Clearly, he must have some issues. In 10 years, imagine how much could be accomplished.

I would tell you not to let 3 letters define you and make you feel stupid if you don’t obtain them. Remember, we dont have much time on this planet and we should enjoy every moment here…no one is going to care if you had a CFA chater when you pass on. Will your tomb stone say… John Doe, CFA? NOOOOO!!

This guy in 10 years could have been a PhD in finance… maybe this is a wake up call!

Now: if you are one of these people that loves pain, and torture and doesn’t mine watching his kids grow up feeling neglected and a spouse that cheats on you because you are spending more time with books then with her… MAKE SURE!!! you hire a TUTOR next time to help you understand the concepts and do all the CFAi mocks you can get your hands on! Do schweser MOCKS, do ELAN MOCKS… Do MOCKS AND MORE MOCKS AND MORE MOCKS! pretty much get the Qbank and do all 5000 problems… on top of the mocks! if you still don’t pass after that… then… take your wife on a luxury vacation (BORA BORA), buy her a BMW (or her dream car) and huge Diamond… buy her “magic mike” the movie… because… that’s one lady you should never let go!

Sara Grillo begs to differ:


As her career in finance developed, she became determined to gain her CFA to gain credibility and recognition in the industry.

“I wanted those letters after my name so badly,” she said. “If it took me 80 years, it was going to say, ‘Sara Grillo, CFA’ on my tombstone.”

I know a guy who passed L1 and L2 easily, but it stuck on L3. He just took L3 for his 6th time this year…

Maybe you need to change your approach?

you said

"5 times of 6 I studied from CFAI textbooks and did almost all EOC questions.

1 time I did Schweser + CFAI (that was my try number 3).

I cannot attend non-internet classes since I live long distance from any place where there were classes. On my Schweser try I attended their online classes."

Maybe ALMOST isnt enough to pass this thing. I know I did pretty much all the EOC for LII, and for the big chapters topics, i did them 2,3 even 4 times each. Thats in addition to Schweser. If you wanna pass this thing, you may have to increase the effort. I am not saying you are not trying, I am just saying you may need to do some more work. But if youre determined to get it, I wouldnt give up.

i just do not want to look like a victim, but here is some results from my time spreadsheets.

every fail cycle from the second one i started from review of the cfai text and eoc questions. i made a schedule to work with vol 3 on mondays, vol 5 on fridays and so on.

during the last 341 hour torture :slight_smile: i walked through the books on average 2.7 times. i did one mock only, that is of cfai.

the point is when cfai change something on the exam, it takes me 5 minutes and not 3 to find the trap and i run out of time and the last 5 questions go random since i have 3 minutes left etc…

i do not deal every day with exam items, for me it is the same to study cfai textbook or study a text by hart written in antique latin. and since i do not deal with it on everyday level, i have problems with modified concepts.

and there is another thing… i have to study late at night when the kids went sleep… that i guess adds problems to the quality of study.

i live in a olace where if i do not do it, i will never be again in the profession. it is not a whine, it is sad truth. i walked to the program not for a pain, but to get a better life for my family. ok, i amwrong guy to be a bolliwood superstar, nba player or cfa charterholder. my hump, my dream, my fail.

…after the third fail i was in a hospital, you know. and there i learned that one of ways to see if one is mentally ill is to give him or her the same task in the same conditions. if he or she is waiting for different outcomes from the same operation, that is it is time to call for an ambulance:-)

i failed my career but i guess i am not mentally ill :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

CFAilure - maybe youll get some good news end of July.

Either way, I gotta say I’m impressed you have tried this thing 6 times. Pretty admirable that you dont give up. Im honestly not sure I’d be able to do that, so hats off to you.

You said bollywood superstar. But your syntax isn’t Indian…

IMO…if there is benefit to you from doing this charter as you stated, you should keep at it. Can’t imagine what you’re going through though.


And I know people who failed Level 2 three and four times then aced L3 first shot. What’s your point?

I also heard of a guy who won the lottery and laughs at people who fail L2 and threaten to chop off their hand.

My point is that taking this exam every June for 10 years must be extremely painful/borderline psychotic. You could have obtained a Ph.D which could earn you the same ore more cash than a CFA, possibly.


My point is that taking this exam every June for 10 years must be extremely painful/borderline psychotic. You could have obtained a Ph.D which could earn you the same ore more cash than a CFA, possibly.

I read it somewhere b4 that ROIC on phD & MBA is quite low…

If you are reffering to the number of years - yes he could have got it

$$ - no I don’t think the 7 years fee will even cover for 1 semaster at phD

Tell your former boss and people like him to go ( bad word) themselves.

Knowing the formulas is one thing. Memorisation is not going to get you far. You know the answers to EOCs simply because you went through it 5 times, you remembered the answer to each question. But are you understanding the concepts behind it? This is fundamental as the EOC questions teaches you how to walk but the exam expects you to do sprints with lots of twist and turns.

If you don’t understand the concepts, you won’t be able to apply it in the exam. LII is all about application.

Have you failed by a lot in your previous 6 attempts? Honestly, I think 7 attempts will be too much to bear. Even if you pass, there is level III waiting with essay writing required. How many years do you expect it will take you to clear that if it has taken you at least 7 attempts to clear level II?

I’m not trying to put you down but you have to think about with a clear mind.

CFAilure - I would suggest to take a break, do somehting else. In two years if you’re still interested - try again.

Do some sport - running, swimming, weight lifiting - whatever - it helps to switch you mind.

Feel free to add me on facebook - Yury Suturin (aka Юрий Сутурин)