Your job is meaningless

You know, Franky, as usual you continue to bring important but undiscussed issues to the community. I would say that the issue of solar warming has largely been ignored…for the chief reason being that people generally understand that the sun is hot. Thank you for your paramount work in this area.

maybe some, like you, realize the sun is also affected by global warming, but most goverments are to focused on slowing down the earth’s warming. Meanwhile the sun burns.

The poet Delmore Schwartz remarked, “time is the fire in which we burn.” In addition to the persistent problem of the sun being hot, we often overlook the basic fact that the relentless forward march of time is the core issue at hand. While we waste time figuring out how to stop global warming, the real problem is how do we stop time, which would of course prevent all of the calamities that the future has yet to yield in her slow, macabre reveal. If only mankind would dedicate itself to the science and engineering challenge of stopping time, we could prevent all of these terrible things from ever unfolding.

If the sun burns out time could not move from night to day. Past and future would cease, only dark and everlasting NOW.

yeah but they do it so nicely and have slogans like ‘do no evil’, so they are for our best interests in general… riiiiight?