My estimated exam score is 69%

Is my score reasonably good? Everyone list your expected exam score and then see how close you were to your prediction!

We will never know our scores…

I did not say we will get a numerical score but u can estimate or guess ur performance roughly

Don’t know, don’t care. All I care about is the first word in the first paragraph of my results email being “Congratulations”.

surprised and actually quite angry to see that the AF administrator hasn’t banned Peter yet. How can you not punish someone who tries to spread false rumors, especially when it has a great potential to hurt a number of people?

I think they should ban people like you. I have never spread false rumors and have clearly stated that these were all my opinions and beleifs a number of times and never claimed they were statements or processes made by the Institute and I am free to state whatever I wish whether you agree or disagree with me does not matter to me. Do learn how to read and synthesize other’s comments before critisizing.


I guess this guy doesn’t know what “opinion” means.

Before continuously insisting that they were your “opinions,” I suggest you look up at the dictionary first.

That word is everthing!

As a matter of fact, you’re not.

Lol. Never spread false rumors, good one. It’s a darn shame that you’ve modified so many post in multiple threads, including topics where you asked questions straight from the exam (Penison, Alternative Investments, and Fixed Income thread), or else you’d be caught in another web of lies. But keep doing you, man, and by doing you, I mean keep acting like a hard ass, only to retract your comments later when people call you on your sh#t. If you got a 69%, I’m really hoping the MPS is 70.

If you actually believed this, why did you edit basically every post in the other topic you created when challenged?

If I passed, that same night, I will make sure there is no beer left at my local pub

What’s the address of that pub? (You can PM me so that we don’t stir up a hornet’s nest here.)

Idle curiosity, of course. Pure and simple.

(Note to self: start checking airfares immediately.)

is this the same guy who would pose a forum question then make sure no one else could see the answer he benefitted from lol?

He did that because he was asking questions straight from the exam. He has even gone so far as to change the topics of the threads after being called out.

All my questions were general nothing specifically out of any exam -i dont even know how that is possible without actually taking the exam!! Go get a life please

69 is an interesting number… cheeky

This is an estination to the L1 exam and a coleague of mine took L2, get your facts right before accusing others mitchel.

Are you really that dense? The title of this thread is “my predicted score is a 69%”, in which you defend how you got to that calculation. So now that you’re scared you’ve violated the Standards, numerous times I might add, and you might actually face some repercussions for your nonsense, you’re going to try and backtrack by stating you didn’t take the exam? That’s rich.

My facts are right. You’ve made edits to all your post this morning, in attempts to dig yourself out of the corner you’ve painted for yourself. It’s ok, I’d be nervous if I were you, too.

And to get out infront of you saying you didnt make any edits, let’s look at the timestamp of the posts in this thread.

Originally post June 23rd, 2016 6:11 pm

SorcererMikey responded on June 23rd at 6:14 pm

You then responded between 6:14 and 6:33 pm, as JayWill’s post is after your 2nd response. Now that response originally went into great detail talking about how you had determined your score. However, you can see there were edits made this morning at 2:07 am.

As for getting a life, or getting my facts right - I’m doing both. However, I also feel that it is important for other members on this site to see you for what you truly are, as your posts have caused great anixety for some that believe that because they didn’t receive an email by a certain time, they are likely to fail. That is not true and definitely not in the spirit of Institute and exam, so I wanted to make sure people understood this.