Schweser Videos

Finding the schweser videos for L3 extremely hopeless actually. I liked only David Hetherington, Just cant stand Febvre (or whatever his name is) and even worse than him looks like Greg Filbeck! You might as well study yourself if Hetherington is not there for a topic!

i think the videos are good

Good for you mate, I am finding it tough and just wished David Hetherington was taking all the subjects… Good luck!

I disagree. Greg Filbeck is (IMHO) the best of the video lecturers, and Andy Holmes is not far behind. Marc Lefebvre would be good if he’d stop whining about the technology. I find Hetherington seems to take waaaay toooooo looooong to explain anything.

I think your comment kind of makes me understand why I didnt like Greg… Greg was too fast for me and Hetherington was just a bit slow for me which I was able to adjust :slight_smile:

All respect to Greg and Febvre, as it looks like my problem and obviously not theirs :slight_smile:

Do you think it’s worth the time to go through the videos? thanks

I think it is still worth. I do get some fine points from the videos and if you have time, then yes I would say videos helps. Good luck mate!

What about the online classes? are they helpfull?

Sorry but I only am trying the videos, so no ideas about online classes…

I have to agree with sooraj about Filbeck. He is the worst by far. All he does is read the notes that are up on the screen. I can read on my own, I don’t need to watch a video of someone reading me what I see on the screen. And you can tell he’s just trying to whip through the videos as fast as he can.

I actually like LeFebvre for this level but I thought he was no good for level 2. Hetherington is somewhere in the middle. A little slow but at least adds value. Andy Holmes and Jon Bone from level 2 were good.

Question, do the Schweser videos only come with the Premium package and higher, or are they available for free (if so, where)? thanks

Glad to know am not the only one who felt so mate!

If only we had Peter Olinto videos for L3 :frowning:

Alright guys - in the 2013 Schweser online class, who do you prefer? Dave or Marc?

Should’ve specified: please provide looks and teaching ability.

Dan Hetherington is good, although he takes a million years to get through topic 10. It’s shocking. What I like is how he talks about how to approach the test. That’s useful. More useful than someone who just runs through the LOS. I can do that myself.

I enjoy Andy Holmes. He’s the only instructor that keeps it fun. He’s the only instructor I’d want to have a watered down Utah beer with.

I had Greg with CAIA and never managed to sit through his lectures. I think it’s his high nasal voice. He does things quickly because he is the kind of smart guy that gets this stuff the first time.

I prefer a lecturer who isn’t a genius, because they can identify with me and my needs, and try and put it in plain speak.

Thanks for the insight ChickenTikka, especially on David Herethington. I agree with your thoughts; I am using him for the online class and have found is high-level approach to be helpful (what to know, what type of questions they could ask, etc.).

I figured I would ask those candidates that have purchased the 2013 CFA L3 Schweser online class supplement, since we have both Marc Lefebvre and David Hetherington to choose from (NY and London classes, respectively). Spefically, I wanted to know if it’s worthwhile to watch both versions (always helpful to review - but from a value-add perspective).

Has anyone viewed both?

Google lead me here. Greg is horrible, all he does is read the slides and does not explain.

IMO, there is at least some incremental value in each video. Some more or less than others, yes. So my suggestion to you is to record the audio parts of the video then transfer over to hard drive on phone or drop box or some type of cloud provider. Then while driving to and from work listen to them every week until test. My total drive is 1.5 hours per day. I didn’t waste ‘actual’ study time at home but still would pick up on things while listening.

Do not use videos.

Why’s that?