Can i pass- PM-70% , AM-50-55%?


I am expecting 70% for sure in PM

But Max 55% in AM

Can i pass

we are on the same boat…

judging from the reactions in this forum, I think the MPS is going to be high this year… which means we are likely band 9-10 fail…

Every year on this forum people say mps wil be high. BS ill be amazed if its above low 60s if not 60. It was a hard exam

^ Agree hotdawg!

Wish we all knew the answer Vicky, unfortunately we are all making an (un)educated guess :slight_smile:

AF is top 20% of candidates. We have 52-20=32% qouta also left

lol seriously? how did you get the statistics? very pleased to hear that…

oh what basis do people here say MPS is going to be higher this time?

^^ dont worry about it. I really doubt it will be any lower than 60 or higher than 65. It’s always the case however there’s a lot of framing bias where everyone perceives MPS on his own way :slight_smile:

When will exact result date gonna be declared

Last year it was august 6

they say 70% is the definitely ‘safe to pass’ score. realistically, my guess is it’s lower than that. possibly 65%. so you do get some room.

Guys, everything is relative so why talking about MPS… if really we have to, let’s just be realistic, do you really think that 50% of the people (including retakers) are doing more than 65% on both exam ? I personally don’t think so… having more than 60% on the AM exam is already a kind of miracle. That is my opinion…

maybe you won’t. about band 9, from my last year failing experience.

Mine this year: 80% AM, 90% PM.

i just saw a scorecard with a person having less than 50 in 7 subjects in AM , passed the test

I think most of you who think 50% AM, 70% PM will be more than fine. Last year I left AM thinking I did 50% at absolute best but felt confident I crushed PM. I passed L3 with flying colors and did much better on AM than I thought. Makes me think you have to really fk up to fail this exam. i.e. dont speak English cant write a coherent sentence, etc.

Start enjoying it and practice added the designation to you resume and email sig now :slight_smile:

My friend last year estimated that he did 40% correct in AM (he did 7/11 questions and about 60% correct) and 80-90% correct in PM, he passed the exam!

worried about my pathetic handwriting in AM

if anyone should be worried about his handwriting, it should be me but im not going to over think it because my handwriting given the time we have can never improve. They don’t penalize for grammar mistakes and i believe the ones correcting the exams have an experience with bad handwriting cause my handwriting looked as it its from a diff planet.

what does MPS stand for? is that referring to the multiple choice section?

what does MPS stand for? is that referring to the multiple choice section?