Tips for new L3 Candidates

Hi guys, this is my first post on AnalystForum. Just thought I’d share some lessons I learned while studying for L3:


One of the first things you notice at L3 is that the books are thinner. As reported by CFAI, level I, II and III official books have 3311, 3015 and 2166 total pages respectively. In terms of readings, the #'s are: 61, 56, 32. Do NOT let this deceive you. While there is less to read, the readings are denser. I put in more study hours at L3 vs. L2 (450 vs. 400) and you should probably plan on doing the same

This is a matter of personal preference, but at every level I have found that the official CFA books are too verbose and bog you down in details. I have thus relied on Schweser which reduces the page count to about one-half. This helps keep you focused on the main topics. Yes, Schweser will not capture all the info covered in the official books, but I think this is a small price to pay to better manage the huge volume of material.

Reading Schweser notes is not enough. After each reading, I found it extremely helpful to take my own notes and of course, do practice questions. Across all 3 levels, I wrote about 350 pages of my own notes in MS Word. The process of re-writing the material in your own words helps you understand and memorize the material more effectively. It also becomes an indispensable resource in the final month when you review the material over and over.

Half the exam is weighted directly towards portfolio management. However, all the other topics (Economics, Equities, Fixed Income) are geared towards portfolio management as well. I found this made the curriculum at L3 the most interesting personally. You need to think like a portfolio manager at L3

Topics that I found the most challenging: GIPS, Fixed Income, Derivatives. Topics I found the easiest: Economics, Equities and Alternative Investments. Note: The topics I originally thought were challenging became simple after I spent a lot of time studying them (eg. In derivatives, there are 8 advanced option strategies that each have 4 formulas you need to know. Instead of memorizing 32 formulas, I took the time to understand the process of how to derive them).


I will admit that at L3, I found Schweser to gloss over some concepts and also have quite a few grammar errors. Judging from what I read on this forum, it looks like others felt the same way as well. Particularly, private and institutional wealth management could have been written better.

2016 was the first year that Wiley provided L3 materials. They offered their “gold package” for under $500 (after discounts) and it included: study guides, video lectures and 1 mock exam. The study guides were not published until April, which was too late for me to use. However, their weekly online video lectures (put on by Darren Miller) were amazing and worth the $500 alone.

Darren really helped me with the private & institutional wealth areas (which typically accounts for over a third of the morning exam). He does a great job teaching you how to respond to morning questions in a very brief, bullet-point fashion.

Mock & Actual Exams:

This leads nicely into the last part I want to discuss. At L3, you will essentially be preparing for 2 different types of exams: the morning session is an “essay” exam and the afternoon session is the multiple choice item set that you are familiar with from L2.

The morning exam is what kills a lot of people at L3. The issue is candidates run out of time because they write too much. The term “essay” does NOT mean a long story. It should be read instead as “short answer.” It is key that you practice how to write short answer responses regularly throughout your studies.

CFAI releases the last 3 years’ morning exams. They also provide 2 afternoon mock exams. I did all of these as well as 2 Schweser practice exams in my final month of study. I would recommend you do this amount as a minimum. Plan to have enough contingency in your study plan so that you have enough time at the end to tackle practice exams and thoroughly review the questions you got wrong.

Hope this was useful and good luck!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I know this year was Wiley’s first forray into Level 3 content, and I had heard that they were pretty late in getting some content released (as you said), but I’m a bit partial to Wiley (Elan) so I’ll be taking a look at their offering assuming I was able to clear the Level 2 hurdle this year (fingers crossed but I feel pretty good about it). Any other comments on Wiley’s Level III package outside of the video lessons? How were the study notes? I believe Basit wrote a lot of it and I’m a fan of his detailed teaching style, but Wiley has shown some content delivery and organization issues over the past couple of years since aquiring Elan so I remain cautious. I’d have to think (or hope) that their 2017 offering should be an improvement.

Yep, Basit wrote the study notes for L3. I found myself referring to the Wiley notes whenever Schweser didn’t make sense (this happened a few times). Of the few parts I read, it seemed that the Wiley notes were easier to understand however they left a lot of the cirriculum out. Maybe this was because they were pressed for time, I don’t know. It looks like they still offer the $500 gold package for 2017. I recommend getting it for the videos alone and you can judge for yourself how the notes are.

thank you, gg 51007

my tip… athough the L2 forum had some active discussions on how to calculate FCFF in three different ways etc etc L3 was pretty quiet…mostly filled with posts like this advertising junk.

it will probably be the same in 2017

advertising? ok.

I dealt with Wiley at L1 and everything was late. Customer Service was less than desirable. I am surprised that you are satisfied with a product that only arrived 2 months before the exam.

First read Schweser, second read CFAI, CFAI EOCs, topic tests, mock PMs, 5-10 AM past papers.

There isn’t a secret formula to passing differently from any other test, that is just one (mine) way of doing it. Most importantly, rely on the orignial material heavily, especially when it comes to practice.

@mbjones: videos ran from mid Feb to mid May, so that was fine. Videos were all I used of Wiley’s.

Hi all - i passed Level 2 yesterday, so would welcome any more tips from previous Level 3 students. Good luck to all with results coming up.

Make sure you take a dump before the test

^ Probably the best advice you’ll get. You’ll want all 3 hours in the AM session. No time for bathroom breaks.

Great and very generous advice - thank you! In terms of using Schweser, I used it for L1 and 2, but based on what im reading online for L3, most of the people seem to not use it for L3. The main benefit for schweser i noted was that it simplified a lot of the concepts which were too elaborately explained in the CFAI books. Given that level 3 content is a lot denser, is it worth to spend time (and money) on schweser or should I focus on the cfai books? Much appreciate the advice.

My best tip is to figure out a way to maintain confidence. Knowledge will come through time put into studying. If you know your material the only thing that will hold you back is lack of belief in yourself. That will make you second guess answers.

Have positive thoughts and get lots of rest before the exam.

No offense but isn’t it a bit early to advise on L3 with results yet to be announced, if you know what I mean?

Passed L2 first attempt. Passed L1 1st attempt last June. Scored 70%+ in L2 in seven subjects…AI and PM got 50-70. I see some discussion on Willey vs Schweser. Is it good to do part Schweser and part Wiley? If yes, which parts a good among each ?

Schweser + Wiley ? I mean come on. Who can afford to spend this kind of crazy money? I had to request my librarian in the university to get hands on Schweser. May be kids are richer now.

Well some people can get their firm to cover the cost of exam + study materials. Also you can find past versions (at least of Schweser) for cheaper or free if you know someone who already passed as the L3 curriculum hasn’t changed that much YoY.

Anyway… the Wiley thing has been discussed numerous times here already, just use search. Cliff notes version: They’re suspect thus far as last year was the first time they put out a L3 offering and they did it quite late (like ~2-3 months prior to the exam).

Kids are richer now and also have bigger penis…:slight_smile:

I bookmarked this last year! Enjoy.