4 Things you MUST HAVE for the exam

Undoubtedly, there are some people in the world who don’t know this. And there are some people who will read this, and will still mess it up. But hey, I tried.

When you go to the exam, there are four things that you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE, or you will not pass the exam. They are (in no particular order):

  • Exam Ticket - printed on clean, unused paper
  • Passport - And it can not be an expired passport. No other ID will do (driver’s license, military ID, etc.)
  • Calculator - an approved one (HP-12C and its iterations and TI BA-2 and its iterations)
  • Pencil - #2, or if it’s a mechanical pencil, make sure it has HB lead.

If you have all four of these things, you have a fighting chance of passing the exam and moving one step closer to the charter.

If you do NOT have all four of these things, then you might as well sleep in on Saturday morning, 'cuz you won’t get in, and if you do, you won’t pass.

You forgot a few more things:

To wear clothes

To breathe

To bring a poo bag so you don’t recreate the sink story

Fifth — take the best sh!t you’ve had in six months that morning. You’ll feel much better on test day. Suggestion: avoid the crapper the previous day. That would ensure you’ll empty your intestines in full force.

Avoid Indian or Mexican food the day before the exam. Also, consider manually relieving yourself of sexual tension (if you get what I mean) to make yuorself more relaxed during the exam.

Wow. I was wondering what happened to this. It was supposed to be in CFA General discussion.

Like I’ve been saying…Poop and pee.

What is this “sink story” that I keep hearing about?


Was the test given in the McDonald’s by the Staten Island ferry?

this is my last time taking one of these things. I couldn’t be happier. Giddy up.

Also, a wrist watch can be handy to have.

Why should relieving yourself from sexual tension help? Perhaps they should also take a double dose of estrogen serum with their daily tofu and soy milk breakfast.

I think I saw a study (it might have been the discovery channel, which broadcasts totally legit science) that boxers who whack off before fights are more likely to lose. Approach the test like a boxer by building up sexual tension and aggression through full celibacy for a prolonged period prior to the exam.

Boxers are recommended not to ejaculate for 6 weeks before their fight.

2 other must haves: your lunch and a 2nd calculator.

*light lunch. You don’t wanna have to poop in the middle of the PM session.

Apart from the four things, do I need to have lucid dreams and how do I induce them?

I agree, it’s best to be edgy and aggressive on exam day as it intimidates the other candidates and lowers the curve. Also, while you’re waiting to go in, find a couple of really calm, smart-looking dudes and start talking trash to them. It’s best if you get right in their face so your spittle drenches them.

Sharpen one of your pencils such to act as a shank in case sht jumps off in dat mufcka!

^+1 -made me laugh in a silent office

gov…when you makin the move?

Aug 1st at the latest - you know any good places up for rent? My buddy has a car and wants decent parking so we are looking at Fenway, South / north end.