
Everyday different things happen. There are times that every person you interact has either a serious mood, a problem or is sad and jokes can break the ice and give laughter to each and every one. Jokes are defined as something you do or say that will bring laughter to the people who are watching or listening.

They say laughter is the best medicine and in order to provoke laughter, a joke or two is required. Jokes lighten the mood on a lot of people. When the ambiance is very serious at a meeting or in a class, people usually look for someone who can break the ice to lighten everyone’s mood. Lightening the mood or atmosphere will make everyone much more comfortable. In the setting of a meeting, they can focus on the topic much more if the mood is lighter. Meanwhile in the situation of a class, students can be more attentive through stimulation. Lightening the mood can also lessen the pressure that someone or everybody is feeling.

Everybody wants to have laugh and have fun. Fun, for some, can be described in many things, one of which is cracking a joke to make everyone laugh. Meanwhile there are some who perform humorous acts to achieve the same.

Everyone should take note and always remember that not all jokes are funny. There are some people who use jokes as a form of an insult or to let someone be aware of what he is doing. Jokes can help in many ways, and the one obvious way is bringing happiness in everyone’s lives. Being serious is good and healthy but being serious everyday will make you look older in the coming years. Being serious all the time will also bring a lot of worries in your life, and will keep you tense and unease.Laughing an alternative to being serious all the time, is also very healthy. Laughter can often equate to happiness for most people and being happy in life brings a lot of luck. Being happy or generally in a happy mood, also helps someone view the world in a positive way. Having a positive outlook in life will bring success to anyone. It may not be an instant success but still it will bring success no matter what. People can also gain a lot of friends and fewer enemies. A little joke may be equate to be a little thing at first glance, but it brings a great positivity to people’s lives in the long run.It has also been seen that being happiness could increase your chance in remembering things. That is, if you stored that particular memory in a happy state. Depending on the mood you were when you remembered a certain something, such as the location of your keys, or an anniversary. You can tap into that memory and have a higher chance of remembering the forgotten if you were in the same mood. If you were happy when you got home and left the keys in your pockets, you’ll remember it better the next day if you were in the same happy mood.

Being happy or laughing does not mean being carefree or free of trouble. It simply means that one is able to take a step back and look at the better things in life. It can help you relax, and ultimately make your life much easier.

Let us share 1 joke each …

What do you call a homo on AF?

rahul roy

why does engineer look yao mingish

Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

It was intense.

How do you get your 25 year old son to move out and get laid? No idea - it is pretty hard, apparently.

Blat. Blat. Blat.

:: This is squad care 420, Shots Fired, Respond Immediately ::

What do you call a lesbian on AF?

Zero bonus

What’s the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?

I wouldn’t pay good money to have a garbanzo bean in my face.

I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.

What do you call an Indian going backwards?



What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?

Good material. I will use the garbanzo bean one when I meet clients.

Why don’t black folks like aspirin?

It’s white, it works, and you have to pick the cotton out of the bottle.

How do we know Adam and Eve were white?

Ever try to take a rib from a black man!?

How do black folks make their c0cks 8 inches long?

Fold them in half.

A Licktalotopus.

What’s the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

  • Beer nuts cost $1.50, while deer nuts are under a buck.

how do you stop a dog from humping your leg? …pick it up and suck it off.

How do you stop 5 black guys from raping a white girl?

Toss them a fcking basketball.

What did the mother say to Michael Jackson at the beach?

Sir, can you please get out of my sun

What’s the difference between the buy side and the sell side?

On the buy side, you get to say F.U. before you hang up the phone.

i wonder where stormy is