Thematic test-Find your self.

Today my HRM professor taught me the concept of thematic apperceptions test and johari window.I am sharing a link below so that my AF friends can take an online thematic test for free.

Please try it and post your results.

Only after taking the test,please analyze your results by clicking on the below mentioned link:


Was this the same one that said “Wherever you go, there you are” or some other equally-stupid edupristine-like BS?

who are your AF frirends

Sorry. I don’t give tests anymore. I take them, though. :wink:

Question for rahul: If you “give” a test, are you administering the test or are you being tested?

your avatar looks like a guy about to get a seXy dance

In India “giving a test” means you are " taking a test".

giving=taking in india?

please take the test…you will like it.

FYI, I wrote that the scientists were inventing an Alzheimers vaccine that has the unintended side effect of turning people into zombies. Both scientists were about to be consumed/infected by test subject chimpanzees. This yielded the following results. Apparently, from this short writing exercise, the test determined that I have an outsized deisre for achievement and power (to a lesser extent). I am well educated but am anti social and lack self awareness.

LIWC dimension Your data Male average Female average Need for Achievement 15.38 5.8 5.6 Need for Affiliation 0.00 1.1 1.3 Need for power 3.08 1.7 1.8 Self-references (I, me, my) 0.00 0.5 0.8 Social words 7.69 11.4 12.0 Positive emotions 1.54 1.8 2.1 Negative emotions 3.08 1.5 1.6 Big words (> 6 letters) 29.23 18.7 17.7

All the test takers can analyze their results by clicking on the following link:

I have to write a f’ing story!?! Are you kidding me?

Edupristine has become a Legend because of you sir.

Yes i think you can devote 5 mins to know your self…But please be honest while you write the story…

these threads are waste of time

It says I have to write continously for 10 minutes, so if I only write for 5 minutes it will tell me I’m a moron who can only come up with 5 minutes worth of BS in 10 minutes.

I don’t want to know more about myself. What I already know scares me.

I think I can “know myself”, at least in the Biblical sense, in a lot less than 5 minutes.

Hmm. I actually think this test is not too bad. I agree with the results, and in fact, I only wrote for 3-4 minutes. At the very least, it tells me how my writing style compares to that of most other people.

“The name of the gentle man observing the girl is Mr. Albert.He was a great scientist.His dream was to discover a drug that could cure cancer.Unfortunately the gentle man died on 15 th August 1945 due to a heart attack. The lady in the lab is the sister of the Mr.Albert.She is also a scientist and used to assist Mr.Albert in his research works.After the death of Mr.Albert she started to work on the incomplete project ie discovery of cancer curing drug. The spirit of Mr Albert is proud that even after his death his dream is still alive and one day surely scientists will find a cancer curing drug.”-My story My results:

LIWC dimension Your data Male average Female average Need for Achievement 10.00 5.8 5.6 Need for Affiliation 0.91 1.1 1.3 Need for power 1.82 1.7 1.8 Self-references (I, me, my) 0.00 0.5 0.8 Social words 8.18 11.4 12.0 Positive emotions 3.64 1.8 2.1 Negative emotions 0.00 1.5 1.6 Big words (> 6 letters) 14.55 18.7 17.7

Overall, you wrote 110 words in the 10 minutes.

_ Need for Achievement _. The typical person generally scores between 4.5 and 8.5, with an average of 5.7. The higher your number, the more you wrote about achievement-related themes.

_ Need for Affiliation _. Because this picture typically elicits themes associated with achievement, most people don’t pay too much attention to human relationships in their story. In fact, the typical person scores around 1.2 on this dimension. Indeed, 30% of participants score 0.00.

_ Need for Power _. Most people score between 0.8 and 2.7, with the average being 1.7. High scores on the need for power dimension hint that the writer is concerned with who is or is not in control andwho has the most status.

One thing that is interesting about this kind of exercise is that language analyses can tell us many things about the writer that go far beyond power, achievement, and affiliation. Look at the table below. In it, you can determine some features of your own writing and can get a sense of your writing style compared with others:

_ Self-references: _ People who use a high rate of self-references tend to be more insecure, nervous, and possibly depressed. They also tend to be more honest.

_ Social words: _ Social words are words that make reference to other people (e.g., they, she, us, talk, friends). Generally, people who use a high level of social words are more outgoing and more socially connected with others.

_ Positive emotion words: _ The more that people use positive emotion words (e.g. happy, love, good), the more optimistic they tend to be. If you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to see the world in a positive way.

_ Negative emotion words: _ Use of negative emotion words (e.g., sad, kill, afraid) is weakly linked to people’s ratings of anxiety or even neurotic. People who have had a bad day are more likely to see the world through negatively-tinted glasses.

Big words (words with more than 6 letters): Use of big words is weakly related to higher grades and standardized test scores. People who use a high rate of big words also tend to be less emotional and oftentimes psychologically distant or detached.

LIWC dimension Your data Male average Female average Need for Achievement 4.91 5.8 5.6 Need for Affiliation 0.38 1.1 1.3 Need for power 1.89 1.7 1.8 Self-references (I, me, my) 0.00 0.5 0.8 Social words 10.57 11.4 12.0 Positive emotions 2.26 1.8 2.1 Negative emotions 1.13 1.5 1.6 Big words (> 6 letters) 23.02 18.7 17.7