
No Ebola topic yet. However:

Second American infected with Ebola


On the bright side, it is difficult to spread, as it spreads primarily through blood contact.

In Liberia…Note to myself: don’t go there.



If I die from a disease, it had better be a “Top 2” disease, otherwise hacksaw.

I’ll probably swallow a bottle of sleeping pills if i’m gonna die from a disease.

I have a friend who does some sort of consulting for the health departments in the region (like making sure they spend health dollars correctly). Last time I saw him was the day before he was going back over there. He was saying he wasn’t at risk, but still.

Try not to eat gorilla or chimp and you might be OK. Also avoid working in third world hospitals where they reuse syringes and have zero respect for germ theory. The disease seems to be pretty hard to spread as its direct bodily contact. From what I’ve read (and I run the risk of Ghibli saying I’m pretending to be a leading WHO researcher or something), it sweeps through hospitals quickly where hygiene is poor. It also impacts those that practice tribal burial practices. Doesn’t seem like something that would pose much of a direct threat in a western country, assuming no mutations or what not. Just my two cents based on what I’ve read, no expert opinion here.


can you survive the ebola?

^ Yes, you can survive. Fatality rate is between 60-90% from the reports, some do survival. And it seems like many more may be asymptomatic or have such minor symptoms they don’t seek medical care. That said, getting any illness in such countries is going to carry a lower survival rate than if you’re in modern facilities, and the local populations may not be that healthy to begin with. From all I’ve read on this, it doesn’t seem like a real threat for a global pandemic. But what do I know. Makes a good scary news story.

Ebola virus: Top Sierra Leone doctor, Sheik Umar Khan, dies of disease aged 39


Wasn’t the movie Outbreak about Ebola?

I’m sure that came out before most of you pups were born.

Yes, it was about a virus like Ebola (it was called something else though). But it was very fictional.

I guess one concern is to avoid letting it spread to animals such as bats, where it could become endemic to the area, like how plague can be endemic to certain areas.

The movie was about a different virus (about as deadly but less gruesome - more like the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1917).

However, if I remember, first scenes were indeed about Ebola in Africa, presumably to make us jumpy about how bad things might get later on.

Apparently plague is more common than I thought even today. Fortunately its quite treatable now with modern medicine.

It was Motaba in Outbreak you zips. LMAO

If a town has two Ebola doctors and one of them gets Ebola, which Ebola doctor should you see?

^ You should get the hell outta town.