Arnold Schwarzenegger. You are a victim too.

Just off the presses. His ex wife Maria Schriver cheated on him way before his transgressions became public. She slept with her former husband’s lead campaign strategist while Arnold was on the campaign trail. Will the View and Vogue treat Maria the same way they treated that cheating pig Arnold?! Most likely not.

As Bill Burr once said, Arnold’s height of his success should have been unloading trucks in Austria. But because he is a great man, he had the balls to move to America. Became famous for lifting weights. I lift weights, no one gives a $hit. Did he rest on his laurels? Not a chance. Next challenge, he became an actor despite the fact no one understood him. Against all odds, he starts making movies. He becomes one of the biggest blockbuster stars of all time. Does he stop there? Nope. All he does next is marry a Kennedy. Cherry on top he runs for governor of a state he can’t even pronounce and wins the election. Why wouldn’t this guy think he couldn’t bang his maid in his own bed and get away with it. He has been in the zone for over 4 decades. 4 decades nothing but net. To see this great man dragged down in the dirt by the media was disgusting.

Interesting. But I don’t understand this anti-banging obsession.

Over here in Asia people accept that successful guys bang women. Shocking right? If you are one of the top guys at Samsung, it is expected that you will bang everybody (no homo though). If you go too far and you bang every secretary in the office, and it becomes too public, MAYBE they will quietly and respectfully transfer you to a new office, where you can start over. That happened recently.

Seems more realistic than fighting human nature.

pure is on to something. I was surprised when I lived in Japan that was not even remotely controversial for married business executives to go to brothels. In fact, there are probably company-sponsored trips. I’m not into that so I probably missed some good networking events.

In the US all of this stuff is kind of taboo. In Asia, everyone expects you to bang around on the side and there’s no shame in that.

In terms of Arnold, I don’t support cheating (just get divorced if that’s how you feel), but he’s human and I still have a lot of respect for how much he has accomplished in his life.

Example of the different attitude…

My shiny-shoe perfect-hair-cut investment banker boss in Singapore was always calling the US-based CEO from some smokey joint with expensive bar girls. CEO is like “umm should you really be telling me where you are dude?”. There is this American fear thing. IB guy couldn’t care less of course, sure he’s married, but why hide what he is doing?? Is the CEO going to call the wife??

US and NE Asia are bascially the two extremes.

^Guarntee your boss is @ Brix inside the Hyatt

Well it’s only 10AM here, but yeah he will probably be there later. :wink:

Anyone who doesn’t like Arnie should be rounded up and put on a f***ing island somewhere.

Sold. Im learning Japanese and moving to Japan.

Well, dude did do Junior, Kindergarten Cop, Jingle all the Way, and Twins.

Just proves that everybody makes mistakes.

Arnold does not make mistakes, anyone who thinks so is the one mistaken.

I once spoke to a wife of a MLB player. It must have been a decade ago now. She defined the term HCB. I forgot how the topic came about (I believe at the time a big Hollywood star was caught cheating) but we started talking about faithfulness. What she told me sticks in my mind to this day.

She told me she wasn’t naive. The wives of ballplayers talk amongst themselves. She knows men will be men, especially men that are at the top of their game and have all the options in the world. She told me her husband provides her a lifestyle that very few men can. She lives a comfortable lifestyle and will do so for the rest of her life. Her kids are taken care of and will attend the best schools. Her husband shows up for the holidays, is a good father and treats her right when they are together. She doesn’t want to know what he does when she isn’t present. She won’t tolerate being humiliated publicly. As long as nothing comes out in the press that can embarass her and make her feel humiliated in front of her kids and parents, she will not get into her husband’s business.

I heard a Kate Hudson interview a few years later and she said something very similar. Most women that date or marry famous people know exactly what they are getting themselves into. Maria Schriver didn’t divorce Arnold because he was being unfaithful. She most likely knew he was. She divorced him because it became public knowledge and she was humiliated.

That’s exactly right. Arnold’s mistakes are too nervous to reveal themselves to Arnold, so they effectively don’t even exist.

EDIT: I just heard a knock on my door as I finished the last line. It was Arnold, he had come to congratulate me on an excellent post. I was shocked, I said, “How did you know I…” then he just winked and was gone. True story.

This is the Asian wife’s attitude regarding business men husbands.

On your story, I always suspected Bill/Hillary were like this, obviously she knows how he is, she married him. Doubt Hillary cared about the BJ, it is the embarrassment that hurts.

Maybe Asia is a little extreme but yes, the USA is the whole world’s laughing stock when it comes to that.

Greenie, Jingle All the Way is a classic. Put the cookie down. NOW!

If I was filthy rich and famous I probably would not sleep around. Can see why so many do though, especially in the entertainment industry, chicks constantly throw themselves at you. It’s much less of a news story for some average HF manager to get caught cheating, than it is for an average actor. Chances of getting outed publicly are much lower.

In the zone for 4 decades… I never really thought about it like that. Pretty impressive. The longest I was in the zone was for a 35 minute stretch playing Sewer Shark for Sega CD. But as always I realized I was in the zone, immediately got out of the one, and f’d it all up.

How high are you right now to make such a stupid statement? “Who is your daddy and what does he do?” is one of the greatest Arnold lines of all time. Worth the price of admission right there.

And, FT/Bill Burr, fun fact for you: Did you know Arnold was a multi-millonaire before he started acting? He took the approximately $200,000 he made from weight lifting and bought an apartment building. Then he sold it a year later for $360k and bought a bigger one. Eventually he became a mini-real estate mogul and was rolling in cash before he ever played Conan. Oh, and he was about 25 years old. BSD right there.

In Schriver’s defense, she is a Kennedy.

Greatest Arnold line (if you put in in context): “He’ll live.”

Awesome quote right there.