Why is it okay to discriminate against Asians? Getting a little ridiculous.

Can’t find the gender data. Please post if you have MCAT and GPA stats by gender. Must be top secret. I’m always flying blind picking a doctor. If this is my only basis, I’m picking an Asian male and avoiding black females. Does that make me a racist or just pragmatic?





Ah yes, more stats demonstrating the +effect of affirmative action for blacks/hispanics and the massive -effect it has on asians.

At what point does our ignorant society realize that you can never “make life fair” for one group without shooting another group in the foot. You can’t fix racism without literally creating racism against someone else. And apparently it’s “ok” because its racism against a group that works so hard they’ll succeed some other way?? PUKE.

Why is this question even asked? The answer is self-evident.

Hah! At least our huge dicks make up for it. Wait…

The delivery on this was hillarious. lmao

Also, pretty much everyone agrees with you Ghibli. It’s one of those things that’s going to take a real shit parade to change and everyone in a public position is pretty much terrified of the career ending hype machine that is the ACLU.

My mcat score would have easily gotten me in if I was the ethnicity they were looking for.

the craziest story ever though is my brother in law… He had a near 4.0 gpa, like 35 on the mcat (!!!). He applied to only one medical school, in the same town as his undergrad so he wouldn’t have to relocate. He figured with his record he wouldn’t get rejected but was wrong. Had to spend a year working part time jobs to reapply again next year. He finally got accepted and and was pushing 99 percentile on every single exam and is now a resident at mayo in one of their toughest programs. But that absolutely pisses me off that he had to waste a year of his life while others got in who didn’t deserve it. Very nice guy and cares deeply about the profession and his patients.

Wow, that really grinds my gears.

I’ll say, it really gets my goat.

Ohai’s joke made me laugh, though it can only be delivered properly by one of Ohai’s people… :wink:

Is your smiley face half-Asian?

Well, at least you all know kung-fu, so you can kick the crap out of anyone who laughs at you.

But to answer Ghibli’s question–I think you have to discriminate against Asians. If you admitted people into grad school solely on the basis of merit, then America would be overrun with Asians and Jews. There wouldn’t be any regular ol’ white folk going to grad school, much less Hispanics or Blacks.


#notWhereIComeFrom #LosAngeles

I believe the correct term is “Oriental.”



So be it. Everyone else would have to up their game. And I’m white. German, French, English white. And for vocations like medicine, I would prefer it to be criteria based, like pilots, as opposed to norm based. Everyone that meets a minimum, but high standard, should be able to compete in the marketplace to check my prostate. Maybe not get a spot at Harvard, but there should be a slot for all qualified applicants somewhere in America. There is for aspiring lawyers, accountants and car mechanics. Why not aspiring doctors? There never is a vacancy in us medical schools. Anyone that has taken eco 101 should know that means something is not on the up and up.

Maybe the admission boards simply dont trust asian scores

What worries me more, is that people who scored in 50% or 60% percentile still practice… and if they make mistake, it is not like your portfolio will lose money because it was poorly diviersified because incompetent advisor decided to allocate 80% to AAPL, but you might as well die. Every time i go to the doctor, that thought is always in the back of my mind

Could be that there are just fewer black and hispanic applicants, and more of them are accepted to meet an absolute number quota.

It’s not cool having to play against your own race though.