General annoyances thread

The other thread got me thinking we need a general annoyances thread. Bitch about anything here. I’ll start.

If something is on the printer and you didn’t print it, LEAVE IT ALONE. Only 3 of us print to that printer, one of us is gone for the day and you can see what I’m doing. Bringing me a stack of half of what I’m printing is more work for YOU and more work for ME.

Threads that create other similar threads.

i hate how i have to unlock my iphone to adjust the ringer volume.

people who bitch and do nothing about it.

Hacksaw for not having a printer in your own office.

I sometimes print to one of the printers in the copier room so that I can pass by the dungeon where the interns sit and socialize, they appreciate it.

democrats who think tax and spend is the road to properity.


Staying in office past 4pm on fridays!

I don’t understand why people love flying Southwest Airlines as opposed to others, and try to drag co workers onto the same flights. It’s like the Greyhound bus of the sky with pleather seats that don’t breathe. Especially when in my experience it’s no cheaper (every flight I’ve priced in the last ~2 yrs) than a full line airline like United/American/Delta.

Encountering a smart TSA officer. Makes me too confused. Aren’t all of them supposed to be dumb by design?


chicks that dont put out

I bought a GPS navigation system for my bike (bicycle) ~ $300. Used it for a bit, it was cool for tracking distance, elevation, and miles but then I stopped using it. It wasn’t that great for navigation on long trips.

After a while I wanted to use it again … couldn’t find the charger. Bought a charger today and now can’t find the device…

so annoyed


found it .

thanks St. Anthony :wink:

Trendy crap that doesn’t work. This type fails in consumer marketplace quite quickly, but sticks around forever in corporate settings because the head honchos can’t admit it’s a PoS. Example: Holacracy. SAP. Six sigma. Agile SW development.


People who don’t pull out in to the intersection when making a left turn. I had to drive in to work today instead of my usual commute on the bus with the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free and because Minnesota has roughly 11 days suitable for road construction, driving downtown right now is a nightmare. I was making a left turn at an intersection without an arrow and the car ahead of me waited through 2 full cycles of the lights to make a left turn. Just pull out a bit. Then pull out some more. Finally, when you’re fully blocking any cross traffic, wait for the light to turn red, or wait for a small gap and jam the effing accelerator. It’s not difficult. No cop is going to give you a ticket for making a perfectly legal turn. And best of all, I’m not going to follow you to your parking ramp and beat you with a tire iron.

I know a girl who always keeps people waiting for her for more than 30 minutes…when we eat together, she usually checks her phone to reply her friends’ messagse all the time…once 3 of all were having dinner and her friend phoned her and she talked with her friend on the phonefor quite a while…about nonsense, gossip…so the rest two of us were like… indecision eating…and listening…

It’s not really annoying…but just wanna share something in this thread

^ Text her while you’re eating together and tell her to get the fuq off the phone.

Lose that friend