General annoyances thread

I get annoyed when people leave boogers on the urinal. Why would they even do that?

People who won’t move to the middle of the subway car in a rush hour.

People not taking off their big bulky backpacks in a crowded subway.

people who stare. i often say what the f are u looking at?

CFO at my last company did this to my boss once. Constantly text / checking email during meetings seems to be an escalating issue at the companies I’ve been at.

Warm toilet seats.


This…but for pubes…how do pubes just fall off like that? Trim yo sh*t son!

Put toilet papers on top…? enlightened

People who want me to move to the center of subway car during rush hour. I got their first and want to be close to the door, so go around me to the middle. If you want to be close to the door, get on at an earlier stop.

Similarly, people who want everyone in my family to move over a seat in the movie theater so they can sit together. If you have 4 or 5 people who want to sit together in the middle of the theater, get there earlier. Otherwise, sit in the front row or split up.

They’re probably not pubes, they’re probably butt hairs. Not exactly better, but technically different and who trims butt hair?

+1. Exactly go around me to the middle…the middle is literally the b*tch spot…why would I go there when I have a perfectly good spot next to the door.

How did butt hair get on the urinal? We’re talking the stand-up only for peeing urinal here…not fully loaded seated toilet.

Good point. I was thinking of the seat, not the urinal.

People who whistle, or hum around others. That is just some inconsiderate $h!t.

ppl who dont believe in deoderant

The slowdown of metabolism in one’s 30’s.

Also, the fact that the search for meaning and relevance doesn’t get any easier as you get older. The fact that it takes on an even more urgent, ominous tone, as your time is running out at an accelerated rate just when you are losing your energy to outrun the demons.

But seriously folks…


I really feel the only reason I am working right now is to put my kids through college. That is it. No saving for that bigger house, bitchin car…just school for the kids. And then I can die.

^Cue the “Do you owe your kids an education” discussion.