Anyone see any problem with this video?

Anyone see any problem with this video? I don’t.

Saw the “outrage” over this yesterday. What a joke. All sororites make videos like this. The critics are angry because the girls are “too white” and “too feminine”. Give me a break. Just another example of an asinine level of political correctness run amok here. Nothing wrong. Anyone “offended” is an idiot.

white sorority girls? ladies, amiright?

It would be nice if the people who wrote the piece for USA Today and the woman who presented the story could, respectively, spell and pronounce “homogen_ e _ous”. There’s a second “e” in there, and it has 5 syllables, not 4.

I guess they are expected to hire token minority actresses to appear in the video.

I think the criticisms are accurate, but they aren’t a reason for outrage. The KKK doesn’t have many black members either. Some organizations are just like that. As long as they aren’t organizing for violent purposes or to deprive others of opportunities (the reason the KKK is detestable, but not necessarily a college sorority), let them be alike.

Besides, if everything were a perfect racial duplicate of society as a whole, that would be pretty homogenous too. What’s important is that access to what John Rawls calls “primary goods” or the sources for advancement and fulfillment in society does not clump too exclusively along racial or ethnic lines without some fair meritocratic reason for it.

And I think I saw a token brunette or two in there, too.

this reminds me of a dream i had once

I’m not trying to quote Trump, but this is yet another example of the whole “political correctness bullcrap” that society has. Who is anybody to criticize what a group of people in their own organization wants to do? they’re not tax payer funded, and can accept whatever members they please.

^ There are also plenty of exclusively black fraternities and sororities. Where is the outrage over those?

Could have used more nudity.

It’s look like a video for playboy.

i agree. not enough whites in the NAACP. also, why does everything with respect to minority groups HAVE TO BE empowering. that’s a hell of a lot of pressure if every action by every individual or organization of a minority group has to perform empowering acts constantly.

According to the latest polls taken from reading the comment section of various websites, you’re allowed to be proud of who you are unless you’re white… or straight.

I feel as though you are experiencing a psychological need to be outraged.

^ No, i am just sick of this garbage where any straight white male is persecuted by society, while minorities and women are allowed to behave in the exact same way and receive praise for it. Totally ridiculous and inconsistent.

Nothing wrong, but whites need to stop complaining about reverse racism, you have it way too easy.

whas up with the sensitive mod today, having a bad day taking it out on the AFers in the water cooler.

chilax its the water cooler

oh yea? affirmative action - where you literally reject people with higher academic achievement, extra curricular activities, or awards in order to accept someone who is clearly inferior in achievements only because they were born of a certain race. creating racism to “combat” racism. great idea

I’ve gone through numbers for med school, law school, and other programs. My conclusion was that whites are accepted at the average rate of the overall applicant pool. That is, they experience no advantage or disadvantage overall when it comes to academic program admissions.

i love white chicks, what do you think they will look like in 12 years.