US women face a Man deficit

Interesting read:

Basically, if you’re an educated woman looking for a college educated man, there aren’t enough to go around. If you’re willing to go for a working class dude, you’re in better shape.

interesting. can’t say i’ve ever thought of this before but it is fairly obvious when it’s pointed out.

Well on the one hand the author states that this creates an unfair situation for women. On the other hand, it’s kind of unfair that women have a stick up their but about “not dating working class men.” So it’s hard to feel bad for them.

But most importantly to me, is what this says about the future of the student debt phenomenon. You’re going to have that debt load aggressively shifting to the part of the population that statistically gets paid 3/4 that of men and tends to work shorter careers. Furthermore, this will have implications towards women’s willingness to have children (assuming they do finally marry) and population growth and then eventually you will see the statistically less eductated male portion of the population getting saddled with college debt despite generating lower wages.

Interesting. Great time to be a single man in the US with this expanding pool of hot, educated women. I think men are less inclined to commit today given this expanding pool of great single women who seem more than willing to put out. Men no longer have to court and marry a woman to get laid (this is a fact). I think successful, educated women are going to have to lower their standards somewhat in order to reverse the trend cited in the article. I have seen this starting to happen with some succesful women “dating down” in terms of job, money, career, but still making sure the guy treats them well, looks after them etc.

Queue Former Trader on the “dating down” claim. Bring it!

I have not read the book cited in the article, but I would guess this has something to do with that Princeton Mom issue: because top men like to date hot women and will tolerate slightly lower education and economic status. So the top educated women find that their credentials are less relevant to dating. Sorry toots.

There was an article in the Economist a few months ago describing the plight of men in rich countries. After reading it, I realized that even though we have a lot of discussion about gender discrimination when it comes to the upper tail of the socio-economic scale, nobody seems to pay attention to the fact that that men have the shorter end of the stick (both when it comes to education and career prospects) at the other end of the distribution.

Women are built to marry up in socioeconomic status, we already know this. I don’t know why the article didn’t reference this. No real mystery there. Can’t blame women for being made that way.

What you have is a US market where women are getting fatter and men are less likely to be upwardly mobile than in prior generations, and both sides are unhappy. Women getting more educated than in prior generations and entering the work force in larger numbers, and men also getting fatter at the same time has exacerbated the problem but those are secondary problems.

Someone needs to compromise. Men clearly have less incentive to work hard in a land of fat chicks, so I recommend women make the first move. College is overrated anyway.

While I applaud the attempt at research in this article, I’m not sure I support the data. It’s a well known fact that MRS MBA joint degrees are huge. If a woman is intelligent and halfway attractive, she could apply to B School and have her pick of the litter.

CBS explains this very notion.

I blame social media combined with confirmation bias and herding behavior.

Go look on buzzfeed and instagram and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

So the conclusion is that all decent men with education who are married are totally missing out of the best trend in history where tons of women are avilable for the picking?

No, that’s my point – this market is more efficient than the author wants us to believe. It’s not a positive trend if 35% of the female population is obese (likely disproportionately represented among single women).

lol we’ve taken a college educated Male/Female discussion and added in the effect of obesity… nice

This is just another way of saying that 20% of men are getting 80% of women. Nothing new here.

Instead of buying the book, just read my posts on AF. Unlike the author, I actually get laid, which gives me a good practical/theoretical knowledge ratio.

Why not pick neither the college grad or the working class guy. Solitude is bliss!

Are CFA charterholders in the States more likely to get laid?

^In all seriousness you’re a dipstick, boofhead, nong, and a wanker.


Probably not, because they studied too much and forgot how to interact with people.

bromion, so you are saying the woman referenced in the article is just a fat/ugly chick, but she is deluded? Hmm not unreasonable actually.

Not that one specifically, I don’t know what she looks like. I’m saying that all these single women might be single… for a reason. And blaming working class men isn’t the reason, though that probably doesn’t help.

You know it’s a red flag when a woman is like, “My girl friend who is fabulous can’t find a decent guy.” Is she really fabulous? Does she look like a younger Kate Beckinsale? No? Okay, probably a fat chick. Otherwise she wouldn’t have a problem.

So basically, for fat chicks, they’re going to have to settle for a plumber who is not a Top 2 MBA and who has probably already incurred the Hacksaw and been ridiculed severely by itera. There are worse things in life, it would be better to just accept that and move on.