US women face a Man deficit

A younger Kate Beckinsdale would be able to get guys all day regardless if she had the personality of a chair.

this blonde brit i was roommates with would often complain about there not being enough men in NYC it does seem true though. guys have it made. there are chicks everywhere.

The rich men that end up marrying uglies tend to be boring, have low testosterone (asexual), are socially ackward and care many times more about their careers than anything else. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett come to mind. They would rather play bridge than hang out at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit parties.

Ft really needs a hobby

…this Bromion guy is pretty smart!

Basically the US market is messed up and no longer functions properly. I opted out completely, no compromise.

It’s gonna be super hard for ugly and/or fat women.


i’ve seen this in action. seems to work out ok for each of them. once people adjust their expectations to match reality, the market clears.

I’ve been a long time advocate of international women. You get beauty, brains, culture, and a normal ego all in one bombshell. If you want some plump down to earth girl who likes to drink beer, watch football, and eat pizza have your pick of the litter of american women. If you want character, culture, and a body you actually want to f, save the wings/football for your friends and date a european girl (i’ll throw russian on there too) or asian if thats your style.

Looks like the old-school Mormons were right all along. Plural marriage is the way of the future.

So it’ll be like it is for average guys? Hard to feel sorry for anyone.

God forbid people be forced to work out & get a personality. Most of the women you hear complaining about how hard it is to find a guy in NYC probably can’t hold onto one because they are crazy, or as boring as pasta with no sauce.

Agree that most of these people who think they are so perfect, and actually super undesirable creeps. One thing that has not been mentioned yet – American women view “great guys” as magically poofing out of thin air. They don’t seem to understand that their percieved lack of great guys, is directed related to their lack of doing their part. Great guys tend to develop when women STFU and get to work…cleaning, cooking, being supportive, blow jobs, etc. Wow, before you know it you’ve got a great successful confident healthy guy. This is basic knoweldge in much of the non-Western world. So, another reason to go Asian, they “get it”.

This. Seriously, the entitlement by some American women is astounding. A good portion of which (e.g. fat, lazy, little to no culture) have no business demanding much of anything. I see this across FB all of the time.

What you mean having a BS in psych, working as a bottle girl in AC on the weekends and spamming my news feed with Advocare shit isn’t a sign of personal development? I am personally shocked she has managed to stay single with a resume like that.

And to be fair, this isnt at all sexist. There are plenty of fat lazy guys who sit at home and dont do anything either and whine all day about girls not wanting them. Ironically they could be together and be happy but they all think they “deserve better” which clearly, they do not.

One thing I find interesting is that most guys don’t want their woman to be successful in the sense that they make more money than them or are more successful in another respect (doctor, artist, etc).

In most countries (including ex-US) people are stuck in a mindset where people complain about the lack of women CEOs but it is not viewed as viable for the man in the relationship to be the primary parent/child rearer. You really can’t have one without the other. Guys can say that they are willing to support their woman in her career, whatever that may be, but then it is often not viewed as a socially viable option for the guy to take care of the kids. Well, somebody has to take care of them and by default it ends up being the woman.

Don’t really expect this understanding of gender politics to resonate here because most seem to believe in some sort of biological (rather than societal) imperative, but in my view the main problem with gender equality is that there has been no movement to address the male side of the equation.

^^ Brain I agree 100% I would be all for my GF having a more successful career than me. I think its a very outdated worldview that worries about that sort of thing. There are also a lot of guys who view their wives/gf more as a trophy than a partner, but those people are helpless.

I randomly see men online being depressed their wives make more than them. WHAT! Being jealous of others I understand, but you should be supportive of this person and proud of what they accomplished. If my wife was making more than me (and had a better medium-long term outlook) I would have no issues staying at home if it made financial sense (as opposed to day-care etc)

I agree that this is an issue. I was in a relationship with a woman that was considerably more successful than me on most outward indicators, and it was hard for me. She seemed to be ok with it, but it didn’t feel like I was able to play the role I thought I should. And at moments when I wanted to put my foot down on some issue, the fact that she was the real breadwinner made it nearly impossible to do without threatening to blow up the relationship, and many issues weren’t at that important a level, but important enough that I felt silenced and disempowered. Over time I got first frustrated and then depressed and ultimately had to leave that relationship.

Part of it was how I felt about the relationship. I think I am adaptable enough that I could deal with that part of things. The other part was dealing with how other people saw the relationship. If she was that successful outwardly, a lot of people probably figured she could do better. This was not an issue normally, but it could become an issue when there were disagreements to work out.

^ I’ve been there bchad and I have learned since. Good points. After that relationship, I hope that you too have learned that as man, fulfilling your mission, i.e. “putting your foot down” on important issues is the right thing to do. Your woman will trust you more. Even if she was the breadwinner, you are more than capable of taking care of yourself and are not totally dependent upon her income. You felt silenced and disempowered, a common feeling, and she probably lost some respect and thus the relationship dissolved. It took me a while to get it.

Could pairing up be on it’s way out? (other than for the purpose of raising children) Why have a life of compromise if you don’t have to. I have been in all kinds of relationships…good ones and bad, ones where I make more money, ones where he makes more… but evey time I ended up resenting it for taking away a future open to my own path. Finally got tired of breaking hearts and chose to not choose. Been totally happy with that for years. Loneliness is an illusion.