Bathroom etiquette

My boss has a really bad habit of taking the sports section of the newspaper into the bathroom and when he finishes he leaves it on the bathroom floor in the stall he was using. Obviously I can’t tell him to stop but what a d@ck head move this is. Any ideas for a passive aggressive revenge?

I’m confused. Why are you so mad you want to take “revenge”. Are you the janitor?

He’s probably just being thoughful… leaving it for the next pooper :wink:

Leave some gay porn magazines inside the paper he reads,his “habit” would become a major issue after some time. How creative you get is correlated to how fast you want his habit gone.

re: pooping at work.

Does everybody do this? Don’t people go at home? Am I the only one uncomfortable doing this at work? I get the occaisional emergency happens, but it baffles me that people do this on a regular basis.

I used to have a coworker that had a morning ritual you could set your watch by. He even used a different floor to spare us. Very thoughtful. He claimed the bathroom was inhabitable for a while after. Never tested his claim.

Paid for homework

I learned long ago when I was an intern in college that being paid to drop #2 is awesome. I use a bathroom on the floor 1 level above my office for two reasons. 1) I won’t cross paths with co-workers; 2) the bathroom on my floor has no cell signal, while the one on the level above me does.

What do you do when you are in the bathroom washing hands or something, and then a roll of toilet paper rolls out from an occupied stall? Do you 1) kick it back, 2) hand it over politely, or 3) walk away and pretend you saw nothing? Awkward bathroom interaction should generally be avoided, but it might be an emergency, like if the person has no other rolls. Then he will be forced to wait in the stall until everyone leaves the office, or come out and risk his career and everything he worked for in life.

I can’t spare a square.


Not that this has ever happened to me, i’d pick option 3. Always. The bathroom is a don’t ask, don’t tell zone regarding everything.

taking the paper in for a shit has always weirded me out, leaving it in there is definitely a dick move.

shitting at work is essential but totally agree that going to another floor is the best option. If I worked in a smaller office where it was obvious that i was going for a shit I would have to reconsider.

when did people start talking to each other at urinals? what the fuck is that about?

I’m uncomfortable using anything but the handicap stall.

for some reason this is exactly what I would expect from a guy like you.

Your new nickname is Shitbreak from here on out.

Maybe I’m the weird one but among my coworkers, the amount of damage you could do was something of a competition at the office.

I used to work at this place where it was common for people to wear their door key badges on their belt – it had picture, name, etc. I never could figure out why so many people would shamelessly drop trou, letting the entire pants bundle flop on the ground (yuck – imagine how much piss backspray there is on that floor), while their badge was clearly on display for everyone to see who was grunting and sweating their way through a bowel movement. Absolutely f**king disgusting.

If he’s above you, kick it into a puddle of piss and walk away. If he’s below you, pretend nothing happened and walk away. If you don’t know, walk away.

Not sure why everyone is so prudish about bowel movements - sure it’s unpleasant to wiff the stank of another man but that’s literally what the room is built for. Also pooping on the clock is the best. Reddit ftw.

just take a piss on the floor next time before he steps in the stool.

Pull an ‘asian’ and squat on the seat instead of seating

The main reason I hate/avoid using any public or work restroom is the quality of toilet paper. It is like rubbing a sandpaper against your skin.

BTW, why people call toilet a bathroom?