Bathroom etiquette

my favorite is the guy who fills out the crossword puzzle in one sitting and leaves only that section in the stall. I wanna meet this guy!

I think that’s a US thing, but could be wrong, and assume it’s because in most people’s homes the toilet is in the same room as the bathtub. FWIW, I don’t recall seeing it referred to as a bathroom in public places. Although people will often ask for the bathroom, the signs generally say “Rest Room”. I don’t think there’s much resting going on in there though, so not sure why “rest room”.

Sounds like there is a severe shortage of fiber in most people’s diet. Remember, it should be no more difficult than a number one for optimal health. I recommend three ounces of ground flaxseed daily in order to achieve nirvana.

I’m failing to see the issue with the sports page in the stall. Are you upset that he’s littering? Upset that you now have to go into the stall to get the sports page so you can read it too? What exactly is the beef?

Image result for american pie finch

I believe the beef is that it’s being left on the floor, which I can understand. We have a guy that takes the paper into the stall too but he leaves it hanging on the handicap handicapable bar. I’m cool with this and on the off chance I don’t have my phone with me to play Clash of Clans or look at naked ladies, I take advantage of it.

In the US, toilet is the bowl thing and bathroom is the room that contains the toilet.

Outside the US, toilet is both the bowl and the room.

When I was in Hawaii, I often encountered signs that said “toilet/bathroom”. I guess it was very confusing.

Ok, that makes sense. Definitely agree that if he leaves in the stall, he should find someplace other than the floor.

calling it a washroom/bathroom is just a more polite way to say it, with more positive word association.

it’s a “washroom” in canada. makes the most sense really.

wait a second. You would pick up a newspaper that another dude touched with the same hand he wiped his ass with? Call me Howard Hughes but this is not kosher.

So what do folks outside the US call the room in their house that contains both a toilet and a bathtub and/or shower?

Why do Brits call it a loo and does the loo only contain a toilet, or is it the whole kit and caboodle?

@stalliondis - Think about the order of events. The guy almost certainly wouldn’t touch the paper after wiping. You’d hang the paper up first then wipe. Plus, you should be washing your hands right afterwards anyway so unless you stick your fingers in your mouth while on the throne, you should be fine either way.

@everyone that’s confused about the naming - In America, it basically boils down to two names - bathrooms vs restrooms. Bathrooms are a term generally reserved for residences (because they probably have a bath/shower in them, while restrooms are what we call public bathrooms.

How does “washroom” make the most sense? The activities in this room are:

  1. Pooping

  2. Peeing

  3. Bathing

  4. Hanky Panky

To call it a “washroom”, we are making the assumption that “washing” is the predominant activity, and this is not true. At least 50% of the importance of this room is from 1) and 2), so just calling the room a “toilet” is at least as accurate as “washroom”. I guess if there is a bidet, the “washing” has a higher weight, since you wash your butt, but not by that much.

To me, “toilet” wins, since you can poo/pee many times in the day, but generally only bathe or shower once, or at most twice. Furthermore, you might have urgent need to use the toilet at certain times, so like in marginal utility theory, the scale is not linear and higher weights at various times must be considered. However, “bathroom” loses to “washroom”, since I would not call butt washing “bathing”.

“Restroom” makes the least sense, since you don’t nap in there.

1-4 is the journey. Washing is the destination.

When I first started working and we were a lot of undergrads (many hot girls), I would frequently go to the floor above me so no one knew I was dropping a deuce. I would also buy wet wipes because the toilet paper sucked. When I moved to the company I’m at now (office of ~15 people), I started going without a second thought…and I take my sweet time. One time someone asked if I take smoke breaks in the afternoon and I said “No, that’s a disgusting habit…I’m actually in the bathroom taking really long sh*ts.” Anyway, I stopped buying wet wipes out of laziness and every time I wipe my a**hole bleeds a little if I wipe too hard…I HATE ONE PLY!

Moral of the story: Always poop at work…you’re getting paid to pitch loaves and scroll facebook. Also, I hate when someone leaves a newspaper on the floor.

in proper circles you don’t discuss what happens in the washroom. as is apparent from people’s responses in this thread, the washroom is a heads down, no eye contact zone and thus discussing the toilet or what happens on the toilet is not common practice. calling it a washroom is naming it after the one activity that nobody has any shame discussing, washing hands or face, or potentially armpits or feet if you’re gross.

You know what you need?

what are you a little girl?

its an honor to destroy a work toilet