Yo Libs!

Just curious what values of the democratic establishment you align with most? Is it the pedophilia, satanism, death worship? All of the above?


Nothing new here, there’s always been conspiracy nuts. They just get more exposure with the internet.

Meh, this dude is just a shock jock and entertainer.

Isn’t there a rule against self-promotion on this forum? Clearly, Turd is the creator of these videos. I can’t see anyone else wasting so much of their lives watching this garbage.

Ah, the irony that AJ’s hero David Koresh is a pedo. AJ’s hero, who he built a church for, is a pedo.

Turd, given the fact we spend more time not meditating than meditating, the ethical framework around meditation becomes very important to furthering our mindfulness. Do you ever wonder if this sort of stuff really cultivates right speech and right effort? Just want you to shed your ego even further bro

If you thought this was going away, well it ain’t. Already seeing movement on the roundup of trafficking rings. After Sessions confirmation, look for the takedowns to get higher profile. It might be time to prepare your mind for the fact that you threw your vehement support behind a group of evil pedos:


must be nice to have such a well defined/structured would view where everything is black & white. Certainly makes it easier to believe all the BS you spout. If there are pedos get them and prosecute what do I care. Plenty on both sides of the aisle and certainly these powerful positions tend to attract the kiddy lovers for some reason (look at the UK!)

Watched a documentary on the hollywood child trafficking stuff and it was disgusting, very strange phenomenon

I have to say the satanism brochure made a compelling argument, and the free cakes they offered was not bad.

Please don’t take my name in vain.


wonder what that is.

these people are so enlightened. i can see why you love them. just kidding, if you deny the evil these pukes are engaged in you are an anti-human POS.


Is the OP the person in these odd videos?


^I didn’t watch that video but I know that’s a picture of the International Seed Depository in Iceland. We (and other countries) store millions of seeds there in case of a mass extinction.

Edit: It’s a repository, not a depository…not sure what the difference is. And it’s on a Norwegian island, not Iceland. Just wanted to clear that up.

Image result for world seed repository

it’s a whole deal being orchestrated by wikileaks. They’ve been posting a whole series of photos. basically it appears they are threatening to drop the bomb if the fbi/DOJ don’t act on the clinton cabal (presumably). They’re hinting at a lot of stuff that would destabilize the world if released.

if a good man finds himself engaged in a war against evil, he should live the life of a good man engaged in a war against evil. i do these things with no attachment.

lmao so you live your life on the natural assumption that you qualify as a “good man” just like most other people. Remember ISIS believe they are good men as well. Religion/Beliefs cloud peoples objectivity in that assessment.

you’re on the wrong sid of history bro. not sure what the right move is once you realize that.

go ahead and pat yourself on the back some more, maybe the additional false sense of accomplishment can help cover up the fact that you have no clue what you are talking about and buy into most every conspiracy theory thrown at you that agrees with your previously held beliefs.

You literally waste time listening to crap with some guy speculating whats in vault #7? If wikileaks has it, itll be out. Why bother speculating its a waste of time. You also fall into the fallacy that there is an objective “right” and “wrong” and that just happens to coincide with your world view as opposed to “right” and “wrong” being pretty relative. I thought you were woke TF?