ALS - ice bucket challange

I knew someone in high school whose Dad had it (and died). Pretty terrible disease.

That being said, there is some concern that advertising about ALS will mean less money for other diseases. I mean, the average man has a 1 in 6 chance of getting prostate cancer, but you really don’t hear much about it.

sounds like you need to grow up and take some parenting responsibility. Reality doesn’t change because children are present.


But your perception of reality changes quite a bit.

Charlie Sheen is the man.

this +1, you really need to read NurtureShock fool.

krc, Wendy or nana.

^^ While wearing the white tank top of course?

^ or Lakehouse

Add emichan to that list.

I was nominated this morning…

This seems like a great opportunity to bring back “icing.”

Please describe “icing.”

See Urban Dictionary if you’re able to access it at work. Or, just read my copy pasta below:

Icing" – or “getting iced” – is a frat star drinking game. The rules are simple: If a person sees a Smirnoff Ice, he or she must get down on one knee and chug it, unless they happen to be carrying their own Smirnoff, in which case they can “ice block,” or refract the punishment back onto the attacker. In order to dupe people into stumbling across the beverage, participants have devised creative ways of presenting them with Ices, like strapping the bottles to the backs of dogs or burying them in vats of protein powder. Typical Icing situation @ work: Bro has to get some quick copies to hand to the executives. “Why isn’t this copier working!!!” Dave asks. To his disbelief the paper drawer acts as a makeshift cooler for a nice warm ICE.

Is that you STL?

Sounds like an awesome good time. Maybe I can pour Ices on my head and attempt to drink at the same time.

Here is another definition from Urban Dictionary:

An act contrived by Smirnoff (due to piss poor sales) and carried out by tools, douche-bags, and high school band members; whereas one “bro” presents an unsuspecting person with a Smirnoff Ice and he HAS TO DRINK IT…(and get this) ON ONE KNEE! Hysterical!

Icing- “Bro, I iced this guy so bad last night at the Michael Buble concert. It was rad…I can’t wait to post it to Facebook. BTW, what time are we meeting Friday night for dungeons and dragons?”

@kr - No, I have much better hair.

@JB - Yep, that about sums it up. Total douchebaggery. But, having to drink a Smirnoff Ice is pretty much as bad as having ALS, so there’s that.

Search function bro…lots of old posts on icing homies.

So last weekend, some bros and brahs of mine were out getting ‘er done in downtown Buckhead, GA – cultural hub of the universe – and around 3 am, one member of the posse stepped off the curb onto Peachtree Rd in front of a man in blue. The officer lit him up with his lights and got out of the car so he could talk to the bro and see what was up.

The bro, feigning extreme intoxication with a bro-formance that would make Bro-d Pitt proud, was bent down, hands on his knees, facing the pavement. When the cop approached him, the bro straighted up, looked him straight in the eye, grinned and said: “What seems to be the bro-blem, Bro-fficer?”

The cop looked down to see a 40 oz Smirnoff Ice in my bro’s right hand, and at that moment, he knew he’d been bro-wned.

I can’t see his hair. The one that matters anyway