ALS - ice bucket challange

Is this somehow going to tie back to bchad’s armpit hair?


yo KONY is back

After he didn’t get elected in 2012 I thought he dropped out of politics?

too soon?

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Common! That’s just mean!

^ Gold.

Most in this thread are way too serious and uptight. Reminds me of a convention of boring accountants.

The one that came up with the ice bucket challenge is a genius. In my neck of the woods, they already raised 5 times more money YTD than all of last year for this terrible disease. I don’t care why people do the challenge as long as money is raised.

BTW, most people who do the challenge also donate money. It’s not either/or.

Here is an Linkedin column about it:

I’d rather just donate the $$ and have nobody know about my donation.

If that was true, you’d be donating rather than publicly posting about your hypothetical donation. . And if humans were really interested in anonymous giving, the ice bucket campaign wouldn’t be such a remarkable success.

agreed. and on face value it’s like “yea i’ll do the ice water…” which says " yea Im not interested in paying"

I was surprised to find out how dramatic the impact was:

“The ALS Association announced yesterday that $15.6 million in donations were received in August, up from $1.8 million during the comparable period in 2013.”

Depends how you look at it. That increase is equivalent to 1 in 10,000 Facebook users contributing $100. So not a very good conversion ratio between watching and donating.

Call me a boring old fart but I personally have no reason to donate to ALS, should I donate or pour a bucket over my head because of peer pressure? I don’t feel the need to jump on the bandwagon and proceed to forget all about the charity in a few months. I’ve donated to plenty of charities in the past and not made a song and dance about it.

I get the whole point of the campaign is to make people donate and then let others know about ALS on the off chance that they will donate too, free marketing. What i’m interested in is how they’re going to turn this one-time blip in donations into long-term growth from all the publicity. I was involved in something similar to this last year and they followed up with a phone call to all donators and tried to get them to sign up to monthly donations.

If I was ALS, I probably wouldn’t care abotu the ratio. 15.6M vs 1.8M is no chump change.

people should just take this at face value… they came up with something viral and got free marketing by our media.

Taco bell did this too, they offered a free taco to everyone in the world if some space object hit their bullseye in some random spot in the ocean. all the media outlets went batcrazy over it

Well, from my point of view, I’d be thrilled if 1 in 10,000 FB users gave me $100 because I put a video on the internet. smiley

What’s the conversion ratio for watching other things on Facebook?

Co-founder of “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” drowns at age 27

If someone will supply me with a CFA logo’d ski mask, I’ll do the ice bucket challenge and post it here. Then I get to call out three of you…KR, get your white tank top ready.