Bathroom etiquette

Man a lot of you are poop shy! Going to another floor just sounds like a hastle to do something that is natural. I’m an out of the closet pooper and have no issue with people knowing that I’m leaving a dump.

I read that in Bela Karolyi’s voice.

That’s irrelevant. Using PC language doesn’t make something more accurate. In fact, such language is generally accepted as being a compromise of accuracy for the sake of politeness.

25 lb bag or hacksaw

Senegal Acacia is da bomb

then why call it the toilet? why not just stick with pi$$er, $hitter or 2-ball central and be done with it?

How many of you at some point considered yourselves caught in a bathroom stall Mexican standoff? Or do we have a crew of don’t-give-a-f trigger-pullers in AF?

Because toilet is an actual word used to describe that thing. A car is a car. A toilet is a toilet. Given that a suitably accurate word exists, nothing is added by creating a more crude sounding synonym.

Too funny. You’ve gotta be kidding me with this.

I mean obviously if given the choice I’d rather have my bathroom at home but I usually get in the shower at like 6:30am, shortly after waking up. My system is in the 8:30-9am ready to deuce range.

Are you a girl? I’ve talked to female friends of mine in the past that were a little more open about their bathroom habits and they seemed to conclude that they’d rather sit there uncomfortable for hours and wait til they’re home than go at work. This confused the hell out of me at the time because I thought girls didn’t poop. Regardless, I can’t imagine the damage that must do to your system fighting off the urge to poop.

Girls DO NOT poop ok?

I personally use the handicapped stall in the basement, although it comes at the expense of a shitty toilet that cloggs every time. So much that the cleaning staff leaves a plunge for my convenience (since I’m the only person in the world using that bathroom right?). The other issue is that you have to make sacrifices. There was this Asian hottie I used to exchange looks with. One day she caught me coming out of the handicapped stall. From that point on I knew it was over.

But anyways yeah, when you spend 11 hours of your day in the office, getting yourself comfortable with the premises is a must. Now I have a colleague who is more on the shitstraverted end of the spectrum. My office is on his way to the washroom so every morning he’ll stop, we have a chat, and in the middle of our discussion, he’ll just interrupt and say “look, this is interesting but I’m gonna shit myself in 30 seconds if I don’t go so let’s talk about it on my way back”. He’ll proceed, come back, and we resume our conversation as convened.

It is interesting how different offices have bathrooms set up. I’ve worked on floors where the bathroom is tucked well away from any offices or cubes and no one really sees you go in and out. On the flip side, I’ve worked on some floors where the bathroom is right next to a line of cubes facing the bathroom door. It’s like these people have a front row ticket to knowing who is pooping and when every day.

Bringing it back to the OP, I do always get a kick out of the old school guys who have no shame walking to the bathroom with the paper. I used to work with a 55-60 year old guy who would saunter to the bathroom with it tucked under his arm whistling with joy. Letting the whole world know it’s on. That’s being at peace with your poop habits.

The loo is the toilet specifically.

It’s odd, people say bathroom back home but I’d never considered it an Americanism. People know that Americans call it a restroom and think it’s ridiculous but I suppose bathroom is equally ridiculous when there’s clearly not a bath in there.

I think you’ve got an STI mate.

Yesterday my boss straight up was taking a call with a prospective client while taking a piss at the urinal right beside me. Out of courtesy I withheld my flush and he nodded to me in approval.

I upheld bathroom etiquette 101, while he clearly didn’t by taking the urinal right beside me and not opting to leave the middle urinal open. Jeeez!

Bathroom etiquette holds only Mon-Fri. If you catch me in an office bathroom on a weekend, expect to see me take my shit with the door wide open.

jeezus christmas brother. is your shit that fouul?

says you. 2-ball central is more accurate as it includes a space beyond just the toilet. do you say you’re going to the toilet to wash your hands? if so, gross.

are you japanese? bathroom sounds nicer because you could there to wash hands, put on makeup. toilet implies pee or poo

manual flush? where do you live? Ethiopia?
