Delhi gang rape and item number culture

"A doctor at the hospital later stated that the “rod was inserted into her and it was pulled out with so much force that the act brought out her intestines along.”

I say these men be punished publicly, sharia style. This is why we have capital punishment.

Government employees no less.

christianity came to india somewhere in 50 AD before it reached some majority christian countries today.most christians in india come out of goa and the northeast.goa was under portugese rule till the 1960’s.the northeast never went under british influence.the ones that converted to escape their caste are small in number relatively i think

christianity and the people associated with it existed far before the british turned up.

anglo-indians are very small in number.there was never much intermixing like other british colonies.


the change since '47 has been staggering.

if we can keep pulling people to this new middle class a time will come when there are more of us than them.

market forces are on our don’t need much else

The middle class people is not totally crime-free.

They are the ones who have the money to pay bribes and some hoping to get to middle class may accept bribes.

Keeping the blacks down; even in India.

Anyone that blames the victim of rape in any way - always some sort of “she asked for it” or “the guy(s) couldn’t help himself” - should be thrown into the sun. They’re only slightly less disgusting than the rapist.

On the other hand, women can also use rape accusations as a weapon or tool - like the Kobe Bryant ski resort lady. It was (probably) consensual sex, and she probably got paid off millions of dollars. I’m not trying to legitimize rape, but there are other sides to some stories.

Agree with you Ohai. However, the she dressed like a slut defense doesn’t work nowadays.

Hey guys, I’ve been a long time creeper and this is my first pitch in the majors

I just saw this thread and had to reply… but now that I’m here i see that CT already dropped some serious knowledge, right on the money.

India needs some serious structural and cultural changes to take place and needs to stop pretending that everything is OK. I just don’t know how it will be done since it’s so difficult to be a progressive leader in India without being ridiculed/shunned/killed. You essentially have to do multiple public offerings of your soul and by the time you have any power there are too many people pulling your strings to make real change. That problem exists in all democracies, but I feel it is taken to an extreme in India.

India is ripe for some serious political uproar, and here’s to hoping it happens.

Lack of political leadership is really hurting India, yes. We have a Prime Minister who is infamous for his silence, rumored to be controlled by the president of the ruling party, and the “heir apparent” to Indian political scenario, Rahul Gandhi, has been noticeably missing throughout the current public uproar. However, there are some good signs. One day I’m reading reports of mistreatment of other victims by police, the very next day there are reports of said police officers being pulled up by the courts and relief ordered for the victims. Then today there was this small clipping of a minister asking the police department to reduce his security cordon because he doesn’t need 10 cops protecting him and they can be better utilized. Dunno if this is a publicity stunt, you can never be sure, but there’s hope that maybe this guy has genuine concern. Ironically, a minister having genuine concern is kind of a big deal in India. Moreover, some of the measures in the pipeline actually do have the power to be helpful and effective. Unless they get railroaded by the usual political tussles and red tape, at least for the time being there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel.

I would rather see more Indians to concentrate on anything other cricket, a cheap sport that can easily be manipulated by the performance of a few corrupt players.

Cricket is a drag on India, people just stop everything to watch any match. With Tendulkar’s full retirement soon, I hope people would wake up to the reality. have issues

He’s got a point. Have you ever tried to get decent service in a restaurant in India when the game is on the TV?

eh. you’re telling me. i hate the stupid game.

thankfully footy is almost as popular in the cities

but his point is still stupid

Yeah, it is. Almost as dumb as his theory about “number items.” But at least he’s trying.

Funny story, I got pulled over yesterday because my car has tinted windows which the Mumbai police now tell me are illegal even though they came from the dealership like this.

The copper tried to take my driver’s driving license but I told him, “give it back.”

He said, “He has to pay the fine of 100 rupees.”

I said, “Don’t you guys have something better to do, like stopping rapes on public buses?”

I then took the license out of the cop’s hand and gave it back to my driver and waved goodbye.

If I’d done this in the United States I probably would have been executed on the spot.

lol.i love cops here.

once me and my friend got caught with 50g of pretty sure that means jailtime in most countries.we paid him 1500 bucks and smoked on the way back home.

to be fair to them tinted windows have been illegal for some time.probably got orders to enforce it now

India aspires to compete with the USA, China etc., economically, but is in bed with Somalia, DR Congo, Afghanistan and Pakistan, socio-culturally. India is the worst G20 country for women behind Saudi Arabia and amongst top 5 in the world.

i think iv’e read that article sometime back.

the only reason india is on that list is because of foeticide.if we can tackle that issue we would probably be much much better of.

as a thumb rule if you’re female and not born into a uneducated rural family you’ll be fine.

middle class indian women lead lifestyles comparable their counterparts elsewhere.they’re generally liberated enough to date pre marriage too.

but there’s still loads to be done.

India is bad for women because it is bad for everybody who is less privileged.

It’s bad not only for women but also for those feeble, elderly, poor, powerless, voiceless and small nations under its writ and surroundings. But always humble and ready to serve its masters.

Harsh but true!!!