Do you believe when a guy says he is very shy with girls?

She is. We think she may be Nana reincarnated.

I don’t disagree. My point was if you ask a woman what she wants she will say, “I want a gentlemen who is sensitive, who my friends and family like, who is respectful at all times, etc., etc.” and then she goes out and bangs Don Draper. Women generally go for the opposite of what they say they want.

Men do this too but to a far lesser extent.

I think there’s a lot of over-analyzing going on. Maybe he wants to see you Friday because some other stuff is going on in his life. A visitor, work, travel, etc. or maybe he has a bunch of other dates lined up other days. He also might not be in to you, but just wants to be a bit social. We just don’t know. So consider that before telling him he doesn’t have any confidence and should hacksaw off his private parts.

It’s pretty common after a breakup for someone not to know exactly what they want, anyway. They don’t want to be a alone, often, but they don’t want to jump right back in to something, either. They probably want sex, but may be showing respect by trying to space it out so they’re not just hanging over you like a dog with a fresh piece of meat. If he’s doing that with you, he’s probably overcompensating, but the effort is a decent sign.

Dating and being smooth and attractive - for most people - is a learned behavior. If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, it’s easy to forget and be rusty on how this stuff works.

So the truth is that we have no idea why he’s taking longer. I suggest you wait until Friday and maybe you’ll find out more. And if someone else sweeps you off your feet before then, well, good for you. And if you want to speed up the process by suggesting running an another day sooner, then good for you, too.

But I think it’s a bit early in your relationship to be upset at him for not measuring up to your expectations of what a man should be.

Waitaminute…I misunderstood something…

Dude agreed to go out with you on a Friday night (instead of hanging with friends, drinking at bar, going to strip club) and you’re COMPLAINING ABOUT IT???

Fact is–you have a date with the guy. What else do you want?

agree with this 100%. I’m so glad I missed this new era of the dating game which appears to be one big game of manipulation and over thought bullshit.

You want the guy to initiate? Go jogging with him next week as he requested and take it from there…

is this AF approve? I always thought it would be bigger and rustier regardless of how small the recipient is

That’s the key chain version. The big rusty version is for home use only. Never know when you might need to hacksaw on the go.

Like “I want to be in a long, committed relationship” and then leaves with no warning, and makes it my fault? Sorry, I’m bitter.

Obviously can’t speak for all women, but just because a girl dates an alpha male, I don’t think that necessarily means that she doesn’t want a sensitive type. See, sensitive types are exhausting because somehow it turns into babysitting his emotions, and alpha males are exhausting because everything is your fault–especially that part when you expected anything from him. I’d say you need a good balance, but even then he’ll exhaust you one way or another. Dating is exhausting. Men are exhausting. Let’s leave it at that.

OP don’t even bother. Just be happy by yourself. Go buy some shoes or something.

On second thought, emichan = krnyc

its travel size lol

it would be excellent if he was an AF member

Keep thinking

I don’t see anything wrong with him taking things slowly, and not scheduling anything for the weekend. The two of you are just not there yet. And given the fact that you have been single for just several days, him being cautious is imo actually a good sigh that he isn’t simply trying to get under your skirt…

Now I no nothing about men so take my words with a ton of salt:)

Hang out with fds? I’m too old to know what that means. Urban dictionary says first date sex. So he asks you if you want to go on a date and have sex and then you say no? Am I reading that right?

My 2 cents, he’s clearly into you. Maybe he’s not direct about it, but he’s trying to do something with you. You’re reading too much into it.

assumed friends?

Fixed that for you! And maybe it’s just me as a guy, but a nice new pair of dress shoes makes me happy. Not as happy as a new pair of heels for a girl, but still.

I think fds = “friends”. I had to think about this a bit, but I could not think of anything else that made sense.

I think it is not hard to know if a guy is into you. Are you fat? If no, then the guy is into you.

Truth, in my experience if a guy cares enough to talk to you and text you, he’s into you.

^Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and agree with ohai and krazykanuck on their posts. My texting frequency is strongly correlated to my strange frequency.

Exactly. I would never initiate or give more than 1 word answers to women I wasn’t into or that weren’t longtime friends.