Do you believe when a guy says he is very shy with girls?

Blame supply and demand for ONS/f*ck friends/flings for that situation. Let me throw some hypothetical numbers and I’m sure I’m not too far off.

If 60% of the guys currently on the dating market just want ONS and only 10% of the women want it, then there are a lot of guys that are left empty handed. In order to get what they want they would have to say to the other 90% what they want to hear. It’s survival of the fittest. If most guys don’t act like that, they will either end up using their right hand or end up in a relationship they never wanted to be in to begin with.

When I was in my late teens/early 20s, I used to be super honest with women thinking they would appreciate my honesty only to realize I was losing out to the next guy who wanted exactly what i wanted, but lied about his intentions. It’s like being clean before the 100m race at the Olympics and all the others at the starting line are using steroids. So now I don’t outright lie, but skate around the question as long as possible. If a woman is into you, she will give you the benefit of the doubt at the beginning.

^The way I put it is that when I was in high school and college some girls would eventually get wise and call me a player. At the time I would feign shock. Now I just don’t get called on it. The difference is that I live in a city with a lot more pople.

hahaha, good one, but too bad, he isn’t in CFA program. cheeky

Maybe one day he will be. it will be funny if he sees this thread.

I think he is letting you know that he is interested in dating you as he learned that you are single again. Due to whatever reason he couldn’t ask you out this weekend, he is securing a date in advance to keep you engage.

As others said play it cool and wait till next week.

Fact: He texted you only AFTER confirming you’re single again.

That says about everything I need to know.

Dude likes you, he’s just playing it cool because you just got out of a relationship. Seems like he is taking it slow because he’s genuinely interested. If he just wanted sex he could easily go jogging, ask to shower at your place, and then work up a sweat again with you.

See, that would definitely take longer than 20 minutes. That settles it.

^ u sure?

^Yeah…considering that the average act of intercourse takes approximately two minutes…

And that’s average. Half of them are below that.

Waiting for DonDraper to comment.

Do you guys really only last two minutes though? This is a serious question. If that’s true than all I can say is no wonder so many women hate men lol.

i think greeny is excluding foreplay

He clearly is. Because just 2 minutes of hammering away won’t get the woman off.

Its tough to speculate, still giving my two versions.

1.) Version 1.0 - He is interested in you with a possibility of friend zoning you. Guys often FZ girls they dont find irrestible, overly attractive. You may be 7/10 in his book. If you were a 8/10 or 9/10 in his book he would do anything to go zogging with you.

2.) Version 2.0 - He is a nice guy who wants to take things slowly since you recentky broke up. He may have other tasks lined up this week.

This would be a lot easier if we had pics of the OP. Just saying.

is the guy asian?

is the guy arab/indian/pakistani?

yeah sure, just because your question is serious the minutemen will come crawling out of the woodworks and confess their sexual underperformance. Why do you think there is such a large market for women self-help books? I haven’t seen any for men, except for those needy pick-up guides only teenagers buy. Why do you think every women’s magazine is 20% “how to spice up your sex life”? if you don’t see that this sad fact is reality, you are blind, buddy.

^ I’d venture to guess so much space is dedicated to that because they have to recycle the same concent every month to sell magazines. But your point is likely at least part valid.

so…basically…we never went jogging together…but we did go out together (only me and him) twice, shopping once for his fd’s bday gift, then a Tuesday cheap movie (which I paid cuz I came up with this idea and chose the movie)

Then he asked me if i am free to go out next week to buy me a drink cuz I invited him to movie last time…the thing is…I kind lost interest in him (already)…i don’t think he’s the type of the guy that I want …so i wish we just remain friends/co-woker…but the thing is we still work together and our seats are so close together that i don’t wanna hurt the harmony between us…

such a headche… broken heart totally don’t wanna things to become akward between us…

What kind of excuses do men most likely to accept easily? crying