Does Hillary have a chance?

Lol…yeah, I don’t think I’ll be supporting her for congress. Probably some other uses for her energy though.

Is she your gal?

^This is only confirming what was already known, nothing new here.

I don’t know one person that is genuinely excited to vote for Hillary in November (as opposed to those feelin’ the Bern), but I know plenty of people that will still vote for her given the alternative.

Given the low quality of our presidential candidates, I’m suprised Gary Johnson isn’t getting more airtime. In a Trump v. Hillary match-up, Johnson is a no-brainer IMO.

Nothing new to me and you, but many think it is a witch hunt. The report will probably cause some of her supporters to see that there is there, there.

It is a witch hunt, just like Benghazi.

^Are you drunk? Are you aware people have lost their jobs for far less? Some even fined and incarcerated. Try looking at it without your liberal tinted rose colored glasses, seriously. If you can’t do that, you might want to get out of the investment management business.

He’s just goading you.

I hope so. Wouldn’t say much for the charter.

I hope so. Wouldn’t say much for the charter.

yes but would it say much for the charter?

In terms of being able to think critically, the current HRC scandal should not be much of a challenge.

Not really. Her actions are not particularly severe and amount to merely procedural violations. Petraeus committed a more serious violation and he won’t go to prison.

^You’re completely delusional or just don’t know the law. Intent isn’t even required to have committed a crime.

It is not up to you to decide whether she broke the law.

^At least you’re agreeing there is something to decide. Congrats on overcoming your bias.

I like how the Clinton campaign for so many months has said the FBI investigation is an “inquiry”. Yea, since when does the FBI spend nearly a year, dedicate dozens of agents, and give immunity to someone, just to satisfy an inquiry? And then just recently, the Clinton spokesman accidently let slip it is a criminal investigation. I’m sure hillary privately ripped their spokesman a new one, but it’s her M.O. "deny deny deny. And then when caught. “Spin and lie, spin and lie”



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